Strat Players - What's your favorite Boogie?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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South of Heaven
I had a Mark III a few years ago that I wound up selling because I was really into humbuckers at the time and I found it was a little too dark for me.

However, I also remember that amp being the absolute best sounding amp when it came to single coils/Strats. Instead of fighting with mud I'd have thick as **** single coil tone.

Anyway, since getting this Lonestar Special I've been tickled pink about the way it makes my P90s sound. I'm debating about getting another Mark, but I thought I'd ask around and see what the conscious was.
rabies said:
most likely fusion or blues players may respond, most of these boogie players are into metal (thus humbuckers)

That's alright with me. I don't really expect many responses from the metal crowd, but I'm not really looking for that kinda sound in this thread (already have metal covered).
I play a variety of styles but lean toward a heavy-driven blues tone ala Lincoln Brewster or a grinding Stevie Ray-type tone. I don't play any guitars with humbuckers, just my Strat and Tele both loaded with Kinmans (I guess they are technically humbuckers in their design but... :p ). I play a Lonestar Classic Combo with a Barber LTD overdrive, a Phase 90 and an Eventide Delay. When I bought the LSC, I tried a Stiletto Ace Combo at the same time and though I liked the distortion a bit better, I could not believe how much better the clean on the LSC was, not to mention the great reverb. I have recently tried a Rect-O-Verb 50 but was not able to get any tones that really did anything for me plus the reverb is not very good IMO. I know there are many other Boogies to try but the Lonestar Classic is definitely my favorite so far.
no doubt, you will be tikled pink with a LS and single' terms of the mks, I have played a IV and my IIC's.(w/EV's)....liked em all(of course, I play strats for one thing,really...the clean channel, so mileage may vary...), but the IV and IIC's sound huge-a good friend had a Ls, and it was deeeevine-I wouldnt throw poopie at any of them!!!CANT SPEAK FOR A iii
I've got several guitars with either single coil PUPs or humbuckers that are switchable to single coil, which I use a lot. I used to play through a "loaded" Mark III 1X12. I play pop and classic rock. Never got the sound I wanted. I found a mint used Nomad 2X12 which came much closer to the sound I wanted using single coils (and everything else, for that matter). Bought it, and now my Mark III is for sale! For single coils, the Nomad gives you a bunch of choices. Ch. 1 (clean) is voiced clean and deep, and you can get enough clean lower mid tones to carry your clean sustain. Ch. 2 can be set to overdrive only with hard pick attack. Ch. 3 is voiced more toward treble than the dark tones, and can be set fairly clean for some nice ringing tones, or can be set with some rather extreme gain even if you have single coils -- if you want that. I really like the Nomad 55 for use with single coils, and suggest you play on one with your guitar(s) to see if it gives you what you want.
Well I am completely loving my Strat through my Stiletto Deuce II. Cleans are phenom and with the dirty channel you get can anything from James Gang to your classic Strat Metal tone. Channel 2 is awesome you can go crunch mode and get these amazing tones that have some mild grit with the sparkle clean. Then you could bump to tight gain and get killer driving single coil tones. I am especially loving my neck pickup in tight gain mode, just a wonderful singing sound with a percussive single coil quack. The Strat and Stiletto is a combination to dye for. Not to mention adding my Hartman Electronics Germanium Fuzz in front of it brings in a whole other dimension.

You gotta try the Stiletto Deuce II
Maverick 1 x 12 with a Celestion Gold together with a 2 x 12 cab loaded with Celestion G12H Heritage. The speakers add both sparkle and bottom - great for Strats and Teles (and all other guitars as well :) =
everything in my sig sounds good with my strats. my main two strats - one has lace sensors and the other is a Am Dlx with the vintage noiseless. i play the Mark III combo the most.
I have this Strat copy (Electra Phoenix) except that the bridge and neck PUPs are humbuckers that can be switched on single coil, with controls that offer a lot of options with them and the middle SC PUP, including out-of-phase. I tried it for the first time today on my Nomad 55 2X12 that I got used a couple of months ago. I put the guitar in SC mode. I couldn't believe how much better it sounded than on my old Mk III, and all the other amps on which I have played it. Nice "woody" "reedy" sound. On the old Mk III, i could never get that nice, thin sound without it becoming muddy or tiny. No such problem on the Nomad, whether I used the clean, crunch, or overdrive channel.
Dolebludger said:
I have this Strat copy (Electra Phoenix) except that the bridge and neck PUPs are humbuckers that can be switched on single coil, with controls that offer a lot of options with them and the middle SC PUP, including out-of-phase.

i understand. and while you may think that you are playing a SC strat ... pickup/amp combinations are different in a lot of cases. i certainly assumed when you said strat you were playing a Fender. Glad you found your sound with the Nomad.

i certainly don't have any thin or muddy with my Mark IIIs, but i play different guitars that you, and certainly each ear is different.
Yes, I wanted to make it clear that the one of my guitars I played on the Nomad today was a Strat COPY set on SC PUPs and not a Fender.

The problem I always had with the Mark III was than many settings seemed to apply to more than one channel. So, I'd have it set to sound good on clean, them switch to rhythm 2 and it would sound horrible, and even worse when I switched to lead. Conversely, if I set it to sound good on lead, it would often sound bad on clean without some knob-tweeking. Maybe I just didn't ever fully learn how to operate the Mark III.

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