Strange Problem

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Active member
Oct 13, 2009
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I was practicing the other night and noticed my high E string, when fretted at the twelfth fret, has no sustain. All the other positions have great sustain. All the other strings are fine at the twelfth. I thought it must be my guitar so I grab another and another and have the same problem. The note sounds for about two seconds and then just stops. It happens on all three channels although to a lesser degree on channel one. Any ideas?
Couples things to consider:

1. try a different amp
2. try a different room
3. your hearing at that frequency might be pooched or severely limited at that DB level
4. try using a capo at the 12th and try again.

The probable explanation is phase cancellation from inside the amp or the room\hearing issues at the frequency. Less probable is guitar setup (all three??) and or your fretting technique.
Without knowing more about your exact setup I would have to agree. Some weird room/EQ issue going on. Especially if it the issue still remains when switching guitars.
Are you using noise reduction, ie. a noise gate set too aggressively? They tend to cut off the sustain on the thinner, higher pitched guitar strings first. If so, set the threshold of attack/release on the gate/noise reduction unit using your high E string as a reference.

Also try using a compressor in your setup to promote the sustain and uniformity of the higher fretted notes.

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