stilletto ace channel switching question

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Jun 7, 2007
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i searched this board and couldnt find any info on what i consider to be a problem so i'll post this question.

i have a new stilleto ace that i dearly love BUT,

the channel switching is so painfully slow that it is, for my use, un-usable.

the lag after pushing the button (ch 1 to ch 2 and vice versa) is horrible. there is simply no way for me to stay on the beat and switch channels.

most of my music utilzes a combonation of slightly overdriven rythm and really high gain rythms within different areas of the songs. channel switching is a necessity.

my recto recording preamp switches instantly and my jcm 2000 tsl 601 does also. my aging studio 22 switches instantly also , but it has always had a pop.

my stellito ace is so slow to switch that i simply cant use it in my songs and we're not talking fast tempos either.

anyone here with the same problem?
any cures or workarounds?

thanks in advance for your help

Is it the same if you manually switch it on the amp? Might be a bad cable or something in your footswitch or maybe the footswitch itself. Mine is lightning fast just like all the other boogies I've owned.
Platypus said:
Is it the same if you manually switch it on the amp? Might be a bad cable or something in your footswitch or maybe the footswitch itself. Mine is lightning fast just like all the other boogies I've owned.

I had a rectoverb that had the channel switching lag problem

but my ace doesnt have that problem at all. you should get it checked out i think. starting with the cable might be a good idea. you can use a normal guitar cable as a cable to test it, but keep in mind that the 'solo' switch will not work with a guitar cable.
My Deuce II is a little slow on the switching, too. Kiinda like it "slides" into the other channel instead of "snapping" to it.

I've just learned to step on the switch a hair before I need the different channel.
well, as was suggested i changed the cable connecting the footswitch on my stilleto and it changes channels a good deal quicker but still MUCH slower than any amp i have ever owned.

manually switching it at the amp makes no difference in switching speed.

trying to change channels on the beat still results in chopped notes going from the green channel to the red channel.

going from red to green seems to chop less off the notes.

i'm gonna call boogie monday and see what they say.

thanks for the help

otter5555 said:
well, as was suggested i changed the cable connecting the footswitch on my stilleto and it changes channels a good deal quicker but still MUCH slower than any amp i have ever owned.

manually switching it at the amp makes no difference in switching speed.

trying to change channels on the beat still results in chopped notes going from the green channel to the red channel.

going from red to green seems to chop less off the notes.

i'm gonna call boogie monday and see what they say.

thanks for the help


let us know what they say. good luck
This must be a problem with individual amps. Because ive owned the ROV and currently own a deuce which are both mentioned here and both of mine switched channels lightning quick. Ive never even thought about this issue ever.
otter5555 said:
trying to change channels on the beat still results in chopped notes going from the green channel to the red channel.

Yeah. I definitely can't switch channels on the beat either.
"Have you tried a stereo Y cable on the two rear jacks yet? I switch mine via midi using these jacks, with no issues."

tried it last night. no difference.

if this amp didnt sound so good i'd sell it in a heartbeat. this slow channel switching completely ruins the usability of the amp.

otter5555 said:
"Have you tried a stereo Y cable on the two rear jacks yet? I switch mine via midi using these jacks, with no issues."

tried it last night. no difference.

if this amp didnt sound so good i'd sell it in a heartbeat. this slow channel switching completely ruins the usability of the amp.


Well as proven in the thread, this is not a normal issue with your amplifier. Take advantage of your warranty and complain to Mesa about this problem. They will take care of you.
My Stiletto Trident Stage I switches faster than light!
i never had any problems with the front-footswitchinput and the Stock-Mesafootswitch.
I use high quality cable and plugs.
just got off the phone with boogie.

they had me to sit my phone on the amp and hit a chord, then change channels.

afterwards the man said "sounds normal to me."

i said ok, listen to this,

i then attempted to change channels on the beat, it chopped the notes badly as usual.

he said " i can't hear anything out of the ordinary." i politely told him he was deaf.

he said i could send it in but that he seriously doubted that anything was wrong with the amp and that if they couldn't find anything wrong i'd still have to pay them a service fee plus shipping.

i politely pointed out to him that i have been playing for 46 years and have owned channel switching amps ever since they came into existance.

i told him that i have never owned any amp of any brand that switched this slow and that all of my current mesas (except this stellito) and all of my marshalls switch instantly.

he said that if he couldnt hear a problem on the phone that most likely they wouldnt hear it at the repair station.

i'm gonna go ahead and send it in but i am not gonna hold my breath waiting for a fix.



my channel change the moment the button is pushed. which sounds while playing quite rude. except if the channel have the same crunch sets running i hear nothing at all when switching.

maybe you need - or expect - a sliding switch where one channel comes in while the other fades out?

4got, i only use the OEM cables attached by MESA. they are more likely speaker cables, unshielded with a big width.

even by running 4 amps in the row there is no channel switch delay to mention, sorry. yours must really have a defect. check it with mesa.

good luck

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