Stiletto Stage I.. Instant Classic

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Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
I'd like to thank Boogie for making my Stiletto ,#00049, an instant classic. I am old school and love it to crunch and man thats what this thing does. I guess they had to change it to sell units, all us old baby boomers must be die'n off early, so the youngster would dig it. But for me it really delivers what I was looking for. Once in a while I'll stick my MXR Wylde od in front and just reduce the place to ruble, or a Keeley SD-1 on the clean channel... just freakin great. I love the way the chords melt into glorious harmonic feed back, overtones for days. Now whats wrong with that? Anyways thanks to the amp by public for slamming a great amp and makin me the rightfull owner for a collectors piece, along with my 1991 MKIV
I couldn't agree with you more. I friggin' love this amp & personally think it's one of the greatest sounding amps mesa has every engineered. I've been using Boogie's since the 80's and have owned numerous model's over the years. I'm actually really glad this amp hasn't caught on like the recto's did. That way I'll alway's be able to pick another one up for a lot less dough and every other player on the block won't be playing the same rig as me!

I've been digging my Stiletto Series I also! :D I find it very versitile, and it sounds awesome if you put in the time to learn how it works and how you need to tweak each control in relation to the others.

What styles/genres of music are you guys covering with yours?
Hey jackiethejokeman,
What modes are you using to cop VH, and GNR?
CudBcket I don't think you get what I mean. Can't give em away fast enough... you mean the way I gave away my Dad's 63 Strat back in 1970 so I could get one of them new fangled guitars with the latest and greatest stuff on it.... or the way I gave away my old Fender princeton cause " I needed something bigger " No you must mean when I sold a very early Tube screamer cause it didn't have enough gain. Could be when I was talked into trading away my 73 Strat that I got in a pawn shop for $80 bucks cause it didn't have a floyd rose whammy. And the biggest one of all, I sold my beloved '69 SS Malibu in 1974 cause "It will eat you alive in gas @ the horrible price of $ .65 a gal. Classic is mostly viewed through the eyes of hindsight, or we all would have bought Nike stock back in the day. Sadly, even a good company like Mesa gets run a muck with Corp. bottom line thinking. But thats ok, I'm gonna make a black shroud cover for my head and tell every one it's a super rare one off SLP Marshall that was being developed for Hendrix right before his untimely death . Marashall?... no man here trade it to me for this new little amp it really sings it's called a Boogie
Actually it's true what Cudbucket says. There were some "issues" with the Series I Stiletto's. I had a lot of dissatisfaction with mine until I got the Hollywood Mod done to it (see my sticky thread on top). Now it's so awesome (with JJ's tubes). That is the only reason I am able to get the VH, GNR and Metallica sounds on it.
X, you need to have the HW Mod to get the sounds I referenced. FLUID DRIVE is very JCM-like for GNR and Metallica. The TITE GAIN is very Plexi-like for early VH. I never had the sounds before I got the HW mod.
jackieTHEjokeman said:
Actually it's true what Cudbucket says. There were some "issues" with the Series I Stiletto's. I had a lot of dissatisfaction with mine until I got the Hollywood Mod done to it (see my sticky thread on top). Now it's so awesome (with JJ's tubes). That is the only reason I am able to get the VH, GNR and Metallica sounds on it.
X, you need to have the HW Mod to get the sounds I referenced. FLUID DRIVE is very JCM-like for GNR and Metallica. The TITE GAIN is very Plexi-like for early VH. I never had the sounds before I got the HW mod.

Jackie, I owned the Stiletto series one for about a month. I loved crunch on channel 1 Every other mode basically sucked. I got one of the first Stage II's that came out (early May this year). I am absolutely delighted with my Stage II.

You're obviously very happy with your Hollywood mod. The question is what is your opinion of channel 1? They didn't modify that did they? I found that on my series 1 Deuce both fat and tite clean were very bass heavy and extremely boomy. Somehow I have never heard anyone conmplain about channel 1 so it may very well be the acoustics in my house. Channel 1 on Stage II is awesome.
I never had a problem with Channel 1 at all. I totally dig it. The HW mod fixes channel 2's TITE GAIN and FLUID DRIVE mode. I've played the Series II for about an hour in the store a month ago. I have to say that it is a completely different amp than Series I. SI w/HW Mod is more Marshall than the SII. The SII is unique in sound. I really liked the SII when I was playing it. But oddly enough, I think mine sounds more like the 80's Marshall sound.
I had a Stiletto Trident I for a little while. I loved it in the store and never liked it once I got it home. I sold it shortly after. I now have an RKII and have ended my amp quest. In fact, I sold whatever other amps I had at the time.
I love my Trident. I run it and my dual rec. side by side and they both sound excellent! Different from one another but both great.

I know where people are comming from with the problems they have had with the series one Stiletto's but, I noodled with tubes and settings until I dialed it in. And now its great.

It dont quite get the heavy gain that the dual rec. does but I think that was the point when they designed the amp. As an altenitive to the dual rec. sound. Distorts quite nice though, but not an over the top kinda gain.

I currently have it pushing a Marshall 1960b cab with 4 stock 75's as well as a Kustom cab with 4-65 watt celestions in it. Absolute thunder with a lightning cut!!!

But its all in what YOU like. Some dig them and some dont. I do know that even bone STOCK it blew away ALL the newer Marshall's I have had.
This is my review on Harmony Central, I've gigged both the modded one and the old one, and I love the old one!

Product: Mesa/Boogie Stiletto Deuce Head
Price Paid: UNKNOWN
Submitted 08/16/2006 at 08:35pm by me

Features : 9 Do you know what year the amp was made in?
Is the amp versatile enough for you and the styles of music you play? What are those styles?
How many channels? Does it have channel switching? Effects loops? Headphone jack?
What features do you wish it had? Why? Are there features you never use?
Where do you use this amp? Does it have enough power for you?
Feel free to enter any other features (stereo, tube or solid state, etc.).

You know the score, read the reviews...;)

Sound Quality : 10
What kind of sounds can the amp make? How much variety?
Is the clean channel distorted at high volumes? In what settings?
How brutal is the distortion?
What guitar and pickup styles are you using it with?
How does it suit your music style (and what is that style)?
Is it noisy? On what settings, and in what environments?
Now, here it gets interesting. I have been demoing the only one in the uk with the mod, sanctioned by Boogie and road tested by me, as I own a Stage one and have sold a few too via my job for a major music retailer. I have regularly gigged one set with with the old one, ie mine, and another set with the new one, ie the test bed from the distributor. Now don't believe anything you read on here, make your own mind up, I have. The original is a beautiful amp, not without its issues, ie tight gain not having enough bass, and fluid drive needing some controlling, but it has a fabulous character of its own, and I have sold a few amps through people coming to my gigs and saying, wow, I want one! They rip the heart out of a TSL100, don't believe what you read, but they are not a hugely high gain amp as a stage one, ie without the mod, but put a tube screamer on it if you really feel the need, though you shouldn't as it has tons for everyone except the most rabid of gain monsters! They have so much character in fluid drive, one of those sounds that as you walk away 20ft it blows you away, as distinctive as the first time you heard a Mk 1 cranked up full for the first time, but different in character, obviously. Now the modded one has much more gain, more bass on the tight gain to satisfy the Marshall brigade, and less bass on the fluid drive, to keep it tight, along with lots more gain again. Now the new model will satisfy the more traditionally Marshall minded types, it certainly out performs the TSL, which I owned and play along side as our rhythm player uses one, sweeter, warmer, more vocal quality too. But, the original version is a different amp, and I am happy to use this over the modded one as it has so much more character than any el34 amp i have ever heard, wonderful for a lead player who wants a soulful expressive sound and one that lets the player come through, no massive high gain to hide behind, plenty there of course, but enough distinction to feel the dynamics. On the other hand, the new one is sweet, warm, fluid and more tightly controlled, less hot rodded old marshall. Just personal taste, and I wish I could have them both!

I think what I am saying is, don't get hung up over there being a new model coming up soon, they are different amps altogether, there is no disadvantage to the old model, merely a different sound, make your own mind up if it is for you without waiting months for the new one, the original is a thing of wonder. As is the new one, but a different, higher gain, more Marshall but better and sweeter sound, but more generic, if that is ever fair to say about boogie, which sings its own song! 10 for both, but for different reasons.

Reliability : No Opinion
Can you depend on it? Would you use it on a gig without a backup?
Has the amp ever broken down? Because of neglect of regular servicing (as in tubes), or just plain neglect?
Bang on, never a problem in 150 gigs for the original, and no probs in 12 for the new one.

Customer Support : 10
If you've dealt with the company, how helpful/friendly were they?
Ever try and get it repaired? Was the repair done under warranty?
Were you able to findan authorized service center easily?
How long is the warranty?
Awesome, Westside, who distribute the amps are the most helpful guys on the planet.

Overall Rating : 10
How long have you been playing? What other gear do you own?
If it were stolen or lost, would you buy it again or get something else?
what do you love about it? What do you hate?
Did you compare it to other products? Which ones? Why did you choose this one?
Anything you wish it had?
Anything else you'd like to share?
I am stuck on boogie now, having used tons of gear over the past 28 years, it is the best available imho. I use PRS, Anderson, Gibson and Fender, and they all sound as they should, no generic fuzz, the guitars shine through.

Listen for yourselves, the old one suits a more vintage tone and exudes class, the new one is more generic but sounds smoother and fights back less. I prefer the old one but who knows what you will think. But, I certainly don't get the real negativity on here about it, it's just different. And sheer class!
Enuff Said! Bless Me or Blast Me on these clips. I don't really care! The Stiletto Series-1 friggin' Rock's!

(The other non-mesa clips on this clip page rock too! Especially since everything on this page is a one-time take just to check things out!)

BTW-the "Other" clips are all the stock patches from the BR1600CD. All clips are "Stock". "Plug 'n' Play" in other words.

jesserides2005 said:
Enuff Said! Bless Me or Blast Me on these clips. I don't really care! The Stiletto Series-1 friggin' Rock's!

(The other non-mesa clips on this clip page rock too! Especially since everything on this page is a one-time take just to check things out!)

BTW-the "Other" clips are all the stock patches from the BR1600CD. All clips are "Stock". "Plug 'n' Play" in other words.


I really like the first one "Stiletto Clip." What were your settings?
ashjn: That clip was done with a Strat w/ the SCN single coil pickups. I keep my settings pretty basic on the Stiletto and use my volume on the guitar to clean or dirty things up:

Channel One Crunch:

Presence: 7
Bass: 11
Mids: 8
Treble: 9
Gain: 3

Channel Two Tite-Gain:

Presense: 7
Bass: 1
Mids: 8
Treble: 9
Gain: 3

I did sell my Trident a few months ago to make a move to the dark side(rack gear again..TriAxis/295/ D.R. Ractifier) but all I gotta say is "bravo". Glad to see someone finds the beauty in the Stiletto. I loved the cleans(crunch channel with gain dialed down) and the tite gain was definately ala"Jake E Lee" inspiering.
Good job Jesse !

Thank's for the kudos. Although I love my Stiletto for it's own reason's, I don't blame you for going back to the rack. The triaxis is my favorite boogie product of all-time and is still my "main-rig" live because of the tone, tweakability, and reliability for club gigs. I've never tried the rectifier pre, but would love to be able to one of these days. That would be really cool to be able to A/B between pre-amps via midi in a live situation!

Do a search in here for samhill. This guy has one hellofa
touring rack with a recto recording pre amp . There are some clips
of his posted round in here somewhere as well. The guy has
great chops.
Anyway,once again anyone who doubts the tone-abuility of
the Stiletto only need to listen to your clips.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

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