Stiletto Duece and Marshall 1960a slant cab???

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Jun 5, 2008
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Has anyone tried their duece with a 1960a slant cab, if so how was it?
Thanks in advance
I've had my deuce for a while now and the best cab I've found for it was the recto traditional cabs. I had a celestion Messiah Series cab for a while and that was fine and the 1960a tried were fine too.

Then when I was looking to upgrade, I was tossing up between an orange and the mesa. It was a tough decision but I remembered the feeling I got when I first heard it through the mesa cab and I decided to fork out the extra dough (about an extra 500AUD).

It took alot of tweaking, but eventualy I got it and I have never been happier! I had to use a 1960a as back line a few weeks ago and it was aweful .Granted they are very different cabs and I didn't really have time to tweak but it made me realise just how much I love my new cab.

The most noticeable thing about the mesa compared to the other cabs I've tried, is that the cleans just sparkle. I spent ages trying to get that sparkle by turning up the treble or presence with the other cabs but all I ever got was a headache.

I strongly recomend the mesa cabs, spend the time tweaking and you wont be disappointed.

Love Owen
Thanks for the input. I already have a roadster cab (2x12) which is the same specs as the stiletto cab and really like it. I Just got a decent price on a used 1960a and wanted a second cab for our rehearsal place. If I had the cash I would just get another Mesa, but cash is a little tight and I can get the 1960a for $250. It is a bit beat up but as long as it is structually sound and had the proper speakers I think I am going to get it.
owen! said:
I've had my deuce for a while now and the best cab I've found for it was the recto traditional cabs. I had a celestion Messiah Series cab for a while and that was fine and the 1960a tried were fine too.

Then when I was looking to upgrade, I was tossing up between an orange and the mesa. It was a tough decision but I remembered the feeling I got when I first heard it through the mesa cab and I decided to fork out the extra dough (about an extra 500AUD).

It took alot of tweaking, but eventualy I got it and I have never been happier! I had to use a 1960a as back line a few weeks ago and it was aweful .Granted they are very different cabs and I didn't really have time to tweak but it made me realise just how much I love my new cab.

The most noticeable thing about the mesa compared to the other cabs I've tried, is that the cleans just sparkle. I spent ages trying to get that sparkle by turning up the treble or presence with the other cabs but all I ever got was a headache.

I strongly recomend the mesa cabs, spend the time tweaking and you wont be disappointed.

Love Owen

I second this.

But who could pass up a 1960a for 250 bux? Is it an empty cab?
Thanks ttstwo, the marshall cab is pretty beat up cosmetically ie" most of the tolex is removed" but it is loaded with the original speakers which the seller advises are not damaged and sound great and the cab is structurally sound. So 250 Canadian works out to about 225 US which I think is a fair price considering how bad it looks cosmetically. The front grill cloth looks intact and the logo remains intact. I was thinking of retolexing it myself for a project.
Hey Sadowsky13,
I'm using a 1960A cab with mine. Its fine. For $250 I'd grab it! To tell you the truth, I like the 1960B cab better because of a little more bottom, but I'm running a dual Recto through that one. Both my cabs are loaded with G75s. A lot of guys complain about these speakers, and prefer the V30s, but I'm looking for amp distortion, not speaker distortion. The V-30s get too HONKY sounding and have a very flabby bottom end for my ears.
Well guys I picked it up tonight for 225 US (250Can), speakers are all in good shape and are celestion g12t 75, cab corners, handles and other plastic accessories are in good shape including the logo. The 1960 lead logo has faded completely off the plastic. Most of the tolex is ripped off and the front grill cloth where it slants is tearing. Speakers are well broken in as the guy who owned the amp played in a touring band and clearly put it to good use. They actually opened for Evanessence on the Canadian tour a few years ago. I figured I may use it as a project and re-tolex it for fun. tried it with the stiletto and so far so good. Probably because the speakers are well broken in it really sounds nice.
just a side thought.. even if it doesnt work out to be your fav tone.. you can just put some new speakers in there... start with 2 in an X pattern.. and get something completely different.. as long as the cab doesnt rattle your good!
I have a Marshall 1960AV, which is a basically a 1960a with Vintage 30's. I had it before I bought my deuce. It works ok, but it does seem to lack low end. It is very treblely.

So, to all Stiletto owners. Should I get the Recto 4x12 or the Stiletto 4x12? Which one and why? I mainly play classic metal, such as Maiden, Priest, etc. Also, if I decide to get a dual rectifier in the future, I'd like to run one cab.

Also, anyone want a super mint Marshall 1960AV cab with only a few hours of use on it?
lonestarplayer said:
I have a Marshall 1960AV, which is a basically a 1960a with Vintage 30's. I had it before I bought my deuce. It works ok, but it does seem to lack low end. It is very treblely.

So, to all Stiletto owners. Should I get the Recto 4x12 or the Stiletto 4x12? Which one and why? I mainly play classic metal, such as Maiden, Priest, etc. Also, if I decide to get a dual rectifier in the future, I'd like to run one cab.

Also, anyone want a super mint Marshall 1960AV cab with only a few hours of use on it?

I would recommend the recto 4x12 for the reason hi-lighted in red, IMO recto cabs produce more low end.