Stiletto Ace users Crunch Tite #1 yes?

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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I just can't get away from crunch tite sounding the best. The mids just have a little more pop and detail to them that, I can't get from regular Crunch. I'm running Tite Crunch at low gain (9 oclock) and it sounds a lot better then regular crunch with the same amt of gain(12 oclock crunch gain, matches 9 oclock tite crunch gain) Anyone agree that tite is the tits?
Are you referring to the Channel 2 crunch mode or Channel 1?

I prefer channel 1's crunch mode :)
there's crunch, and there's tite, but no tite crunch. You may be referring though to the crunch setting on the 2nd channel that also features tite gain. I don't notice that huge of a difference in Ch 1 or 2 crunch mode, I can tweak the knobs to get pretty similar tones although the knob placement is different. Right now I'm using Ch 1 crunch around 12:00 gain for my basic rock sound, and Tite Gain on Ch 2 with gain near 12:00 for heavy rock/lead sounds. Wish it had a 3rd channel for clean but that's the way it goes. You know what's pretty cool too, is Tite Gain with a lower gain setting and higher master - produces a warm crunch there too.
I think it's totally cool that different people are using the same amp in such different ways. I have channel 1 on fat clean with gain way up for a nice warm clean sound, get my crunch sounds with BD-2 and/or TS-9 on the clean channel, and then have channel 2 on fluid drive with gain at 1:00. Every single time I turn this amp on and play (um, yes, that would be every day :wink: ) I can't believe how fortunate I am to have it. For the first time in forever, I completely love my tone 8)
I wish it had a third channel but, that might kill the tone. I love crunch Tite on the second channel.
jamme61 said:
Yea I love this amp Too and wish it had a third channel but, that might kill the tone. I love crunch Tite on the second channel at low gain (9 o'clock) and at 12 o'clock too. I also dig clean tite with the gain up for a crunch rhythm with some sparkle. I can work my guitar volume on clean tite to clean it up just enough with the gain at 2 to 4 o'clock. When getting into this amp I noticed you don't see a lot for sale, that's a good sign that they got it right with this one. Instant gratification with this amp, love it.

I have yet to find a bad setting on the thing, I love it.

I really dig the crunch and tight clean modes on channel 1 when using the solo function, very uncompressed feel but still silky smooth and sustainfull
cvansickle said:
Tite gain is my favorite. But I like Blue channel Crunch when I use effects.

All in all, it's a most excellent amp!

I agree on that one. You can get a nice heavy gain tone that's not all gain, and it still reacts well to your guitar's volume control.

My FS cable broke before my last gig. My original plan with this band was to use Crunch with low gain on channel 1 for the clean and bluesey leads (using the volume and pickup switch on my guitar to adjust tone, dist ect) and channel 2 on tite gain with the gain around 8:30.

I ended up using just the tite gain channel and using my guitars volume and softer picking to clean up the tone. It was some of the most fun that I have had playing yet.......
Platypus .... How do you find the Fluid Drive mode compared to the Lead channel on your MKIV or MKIIC ?
srf399 said:
Platypus .... How do you find the Fluid Drive mode compared to the Lead channel on your MKIV or MKIIC ?

Surprisingly the fluid drive mode on the Stiletto is actually quite a lot like the Mark IV's lead in the sense of how it feels to play. They are different sonically but it's definitely pretty close. The Mark IIC+ is a whole different beast altogether.
Well I pulled the trigger and traded in my MKIV for the Stiletto Deuce II

First impressions outside of the store after playing it for about an hour is I like every mode of this amp better than my MKIV!


Fat Clean has more bounce and life than R1 on the MKIV
Tite Clean is cool in that you can put in fills on top rather than right though the mix if that makes any sense
Crunch is what crunch is supposed to be... what I so wanted R2 to be on my MKIV

I wasn't sure about Tite Gain & Fluid drive being in the same league as the MKIV's lead channel at first but as soon as I added my effects and turned up a little OMG!!! it was better. It gets an amazing violin sound and is so expressive! Tracks as good as the MKIV but never muddy!

This amp is so harmonically alive... It's amazing. Best amp I've ever played through

This amp might not be for everyone but it fits me... I love this thing
as long as we're threading here on Stiletto tone, I really miss having a 3rd channel so I can have a clean, crunch, and lead sound. So here is my latest solution that is working ok for a classic rock sound: Ch 1 crunch (12:00), Ch 2 Tite Gain lead (1-2:00), and when I need clean I use my Ch 1 crunch, back off my volume on my guitar which cleans it up nicely, and to compensate for the loss in volume use the solo switch on the footpedal to get my overall volume back to normal because my solo knob level is about the same level I drop my guitar volume down to when I want clean.

I have read the greatest things in the world about the Xotic preamp pedals so I'm going to try that too. All I read is once you try it you won't use any other OD pedals because it doesn't color your tone, just gives you more of what you got. Anyone ever use that pedal? I'm thinking about a clean-crunch in Ch 1, Tite Gain higher end gain (not quite a lead gain level) in Ch 2, and use the preamp & solo switch when you need to liquify, or put some grease around the edges, for a lead sound on Tite Gain. Hmmm. Almost like 3 channels and keeping the integrity of the Mesa tone in tact.

I think I need to go to Tone Addicts Anonymous. "My name is jab, and I'm a tone addict".
srf399 said:
Well I pulled the trigger and traded in my MKIV for the Stiletto Deuce II

First impressions outside of the store after playing it for about an hour is I like every mode of this amp better than my MKIV!


Fat Clean has more bounce and life than R1 on the MKIV
Tite Clean is cool in that you can put in fills on top rather than right though the mix if that makes any sense
Crunch is what crunch is supposed to be... what I so wanted R2 to be on my MKIV

I wasn't sure about Tite Gain & Fluid drive being in the same league as the MKIV's lead channel at first but as soon as I added my effects and turned up a little OMG!!! it was better. It gets an amazing violin sound and is so expressive! Tracks as good as the MKIV but never muddy!

This amp is so harmonically alive... It's amazing. Best amp I've ever played through

This amp might not be for everyone but it fits me... I love this thing

Glad you like it!

I think the Mark IV's cleans are better for my tastes though the Ace stomps all over R2 we are definetly in agreement there. The lead mode is very close but the Mark IV sounds more brutal to me than the Ace and I dig the 6L6 tone for that sort of tone.

Both amps are fantastic and compliment each other really well in my opinion
The MKIV definately gets the Santana sound better and is thicker sounding in the lead to me.... again it's all subjective here. That I love about the Stiletto is that it's less compressed and more expressive but then I can kick on my TS 808 and compressor and it just takes off. Was getting an Eric Johnson'ish smoothness last night that I've been searching for. I guess for the cleans I really like it because I like to really vary my dynamics when I play and when you do it on the Deuce it clips the amp and goes from clean to breakup ala Andy Timmons without the volume taking off... when I did that on my MKIV the note would increase in volume instead of clip and scare the hell out of anyone within 50 feet of the amp. Two different amps... both very good but for different styles and tastes. If I could have kept my MKIV I would have but this amp suits my style of playing much better.
I think the Mark IV's cleans are better for my tastes though the Ace stomps all over R2 we are definetly in agreement there. The lead mode is very close but the Mark IV sounds more brutal to me than the Ace and I dig the 6L6 tone for that sort of tone.

Both amps are fantastic and compliment each other really well in my opinion[/quote]

+1 and I just won an Xotic AC pedal on ebay can't wait to try this one out. Everyone seems to love the pedal.
Platypus said:
srf399 said:
Well I pulled the trigger and traded in my MKIV for the Stiletto Deuce II

First impressions outside of the store after playing it for about an hour is I like every mode of this amp better than my MKIV!


Fat Clean has more bounce and life than R1 on the MKIV
Tite Clean is cool in that you can put in fills on top rather than right though the mix if that makes any sense
Crunch is what crunch is supposed to be... what I so wanted R2 to be on my MKIV

I wasn't sure about Tite Gain & Fluid drive being in the same league as the MKIV's lead channel at first but as soon as I added my effects and turned up a little OMG!!! it was better. It gets an amazing violin sound and is so expressive! Tracks as good as the MKIV but never muddy!

This amp is so harmonically alive... It's amazing. Best amp I've ever played through

This amp might not be for everyone but it fits me... I love this thing

Glad you like it!

I think the Mark IV's cleans are better for my tastes though the Ace stomps all over R2 we are definetly in agreement there. The lead mode is very close but the Mark IV sounds more brutal to me than the Ace and I dig the 6L6 tone for that sort of tone.

Both amps are fantastic and compliment each other really well in my opinion

I find I'm liking the fluid drive lead mode on the Deuce II better than the Mark IV....for me it gets to that sweet spot easier --

That Stiletto is destined to become a legend for the likes of the IIC+
I played professionally back in the early 1980's all over Western Canada. We played all the top rooms. Originals and covers. I remember back in 1983/84 trying out the MKII's and thinking these things are unreal! But back then I couldn't afford to get one. And I always remember.... it was like the girl... your first love who went on to marry someone else (Roxanne you know who I'm talking about!) :) . I feel the same now about the Stiletto Deuce II as I did then when I first tried the MKII's only this time I got her!!!!!! There is no way this amp will not be a classic. I have read reviews about how it has has subtle nuances and harmonic haze... I was thinking what a bunch of BS marketing...dollars under the table crap! Then I start playing the thing with my axe and effects and it's coming out like it's this angel dust or something!!! I've only experienced sound like this with Black face fender cleans (lonestar cleans) and old Marshall plexi's (This deuce does it easily!). I'm blown away! I think I need to go lay down and rest now! LMAO
If you have GAS for this amp now... wait till you bring one home!

BTW it was between this one and the JVM head... the Deuce isn't fizzy like the Marshall. A little harder to dial in but when you do it's unbelievable.

Now I want to upgrade the tubes!

BTW I have 2 Mesa Siemens 450's does anyone know if it's okay to put these in the 50 Watt sockets and leave the 447's in the 100 watt sockets?