Stiletto Ace is sounding great thanks to you guys !

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Reaction score
Sterling Heights, Mi
1st - I wanted to thank all the people on this board. I've received some great tips, tricks & advice from everyone.

My 2x12 Ace combo was so bright that I only loved the clean tones I could get from Channel-1. Channel-2 was to "Ice Picky" like everyone describes.

I've got it fixed now & advice from this board fixed it.

The stock tubes that came in mine were cold & harsh.

I changed the V1 preamp tube 1st to a GT-12AX7-C. I also put one in the V2 slot, but no other changes. I've been told by a real great guy named Miles that the tube in the V1 slot is one of the bigest factors of the preamp tone you get from your amp.

The results from this change were about a 10% to 15% less "Icy Picky" & just more musical all-around. It's said that the GT-12AX7-C is a lower gain preamp tube, but not in my Ace. The Ace has so much distortion.

I was told to also try the Gt-12AX7-M because they are very dark by nature. As soon as I can find one I will test ait s well.

I did not believe that a tube could make any difference that I would actually hear (wrong again). I know that 10% may not be allot as far as changing tone, but it was a good start.

After more advice (from you guys) I changed the power tubes to a matched set of GT-EL34-M's. Hoping I would get some more warmth out of the amp, but not counting on it. I don't run my master past 10 o'clock so I figured I'm not getting any power tube distortion so don't expect much of a change (wrong again).

The results from this change were about a 25% difference to me. I could not believe the tone I was getting from the 2nd channel. I had it on "Chrunch" with the toggel set to "Tube" & the "Output" on "Spongy". I had the gain maxed out & all tone controls around 10 or 11 o'clock. The mids were at a little over 12 noon.

It actually sounded like a modded "M@r$ha!!", but with a Boogie twist.

I would not say that it's perfect yet, but about 30% better then before.

Side Notes: I also bought a 2x12 cab loaded with the Eminence C-Rex speakers earlier to try to tame the highs. They are great speakers & are very smooth, but not the right speaker (alone) for this amp. When I run the stock V30's and the C-Rex cab it sounds great.

* All tube tests were done with only with the stock V30's. I have not tried it yet with the other cab & the new tubes.

I think that the Legend speaker or a Celestion Greenback may be the way to go. Has anyone tried either of these speakers with the Stiletto yet ?

Running the FX loop send above 12 noon (I'm at 3 o'clock) helps allot as well if you use it.

I just wanted to give a little back to everyone & I hope this helps someone else out.

I don't think tubes or speakers can totally change your amp into another, but the results can make an amp you already like an amp that you love.


dont forget the mesa STR-450's or JJ KT77's people always rave about.

the 450's made a very noticeable difference for me.

soon i will order the kt's

but as i have posted before, this stiletto ACE is the most tube sensitive amp i have ever played with.
Great minds think alike o mightywarlok!

I'm actually going to try both of these power tubes as soon as my funds permit.

The GT-ECC83-S in the V1 slot is also another great tube to try. I love it !

I'm glad that it's so tube sensitve because now I can tweak it the way I want it. I can't believe how cold the stock tubes are.

The funny thing is I'm not one of thoses tube swapping kind of guys (never done it before now). O.k. (wrong again) I think I am now. **** !

Peace !
i know how you feel.

i am still using the tubes that were in my 2:90 when i bought it back in 1996.

they still work.

my ACE came with jj-EL34's. my Dual Rec came with JJ EL34-L's. I bought 450's. will buy kt's.
i never really noticed a difference that much with the dual recto changing tubes. but the ace is very pronounced and affected.

only sucky thing is, i am going to sell it and go with a Deuce i now i need to spend twice as much...and at $70 a pair for the 450's, that ain't cool.
Ive got a duet of 450s . Im going to try them in my Deuce this friday on a gig . What did you like about them over the 447s ?
hey man,

you findings about tube swaps with the Ace is exactly similar to my experience. those stock Mesa tubes sucked. changing out both the preamps and powertubes was key.

speakers played a huge role as well. I'm running a 4x12 with celestion Greenbacks as u asked. I think its the perfect speaker combo for this amp. Any marshallesque amp goes well with a quad of greenbacks and for my findings, this speaker made a huge difference in taming the ice pickiness and smoothed out top end very nicely.
I must be the only guy who loves his Ace totally stock :D

then again I love super bright amps.
Platypus said:
I must be the only guy who loves his Ace totally stock :D

then again I love super bright amps.


man, I'm telling u, you dont know until you try it! either way, keep playing your Ace, the tubes will wear soon, hehe. when it comes time to replace the tubes, I recommend some tungsol 12ax7 and winged =c= el34s.
inkwachemis said:
Platypus said:
I must be the only guy who loves his Ace totally stock :D

then again I love super bright amps.


man, I'm telling u, you dont know until you try it! either way, keep playing your Ace, the tubes will wear soon, hehe. when it comes time to replace the tubes, I recommend some tungsol 12ax7 and winged =c= el34s.

I'm not a huge fan of Tungsols.. heard good things about the sed EL34's though.. jonsing to try a pair of STR450s in it too.
plat, you found another one.

but it sounds as if i should try to "mess around" with some v1 changes ...
I'm trying to decide between the "Greenbacks" or "The Private Jack" from Eminence. I've also read good things about the "The Governor" & that's there version of a tamed V30.

I think no matter what you do this amps will always have plenty of treble & loads of gain. You can always turn them up if you tame things too much with a smoother speaker. This amp was designed to the high side of the gain, treble & presence controls.

I think that too many people (myself included) are trying to get amazing tones at bedroom volume levels. I played the "Ace" at some high volume settings & thought it was way better sounding.

I think that the clean channel is great at any volume and takes pedals very well. I also think that at low volumes it sounds much better with the boost switch engaged at all times. It must add another tube or something.

After reading all the reviews on all diferent amp brands and types it seems that almost no amp is perfect.
I'm trying to decide between the "Greenbacks" or "The Private Jack" from Eminence. I've also read good things about the "The Governor" & that's there version of a tamed V30.

I think no matter what you do this amps will always have plenty of treble & loads of gain. You can always turn them up if you tame things too much with a smoother speaker. This amp was designed to the high side of the gain, treble & presence controls.

I think that too many people (myself included) are trying to get amazing tones at bedroom volume levels. I played the "Ace" at some high volume settings & thought it was way better sounding.

I think that the clean channel is great at any volume and takes pedals very well. I also think that at low volumes it sounds much better with the boost switch engaged at all times. It must add another tube or something.

After reading all the reviews on all diferent amp brands and types it seems that almost no amp is perfect.

I read that the private jack is supposed to be Greenbackish and its rated at higher wattage. so if you have the combo version, I'd go with those instead of the 25W greenbacks.

the Ace excels at higher volumes. at lower volumes, IMO, its nothing too remarkable and I pretty much never play it at home (i live in an apt complex and have noise nazis). I play it soley at band practices.

i'd like to try it with an attenuator someday
In my experience if you have the master volume on this amp anywhere below 11 o'clock it isn't going to sound all that great. 11 to 1 oclock seems to be the sweet spot.
fooled around with some tubes - groove tubes, jj and sovteks and MESA of course.

all 12AX7 (A, WC, ./. ...)

the setup: 4 amps - one with OEM MESA, another with Sovtek and so on ...
all potis in 12 o'clock (before change the sound was nearly identicall)

the red groove tube gives more distortion
the sovtek gains later with more lower mids
the jj is between MESA and sovtek
the mesa 12AX7-A Russian 2 is more flat in gain and sound

actually i can say (will keep the set up like this for some days)
no change did what i could not do with the soundcontrols before.
got the original preamp tubes after a while to the same sound
like groove or jj's.

will stay with MESA tubes which are really transparent and flat, makes them universal working for me (they also go to incredible heights ;-)

... only the reliability of MESA tubes ... had some bad experiences by now.

btw, one amp came with a grey and green el34 equipped, can that be?

so far, so long!
In a Stiletto V1 is the second gain stage for some modes.

Depending on which modes you favor gain Stage 1 may be the V2 preamp tube.

Read your manuals folks. I use teh Fluid Drive and Fat V2 is my first gain stage.
not exactly what my manual says...

the V1B is the input stage for all modes except fluid and fat clean and is the V1A 2nd gain stage

V2A is the input stage for ch2 fluid and ch1 fat clean only and is the V2B 3rd gain stage.

thats what my manual says. maybe its different from yours cause i own export models.

I guess my question is why does Mesa send an amp out that sounds all ice picky to begin with. My MKIV sound like that too when I turn it up. I have the presence off... and the treble down to about 5 and it's still harsh. I've done the tube crap too.
Udamann, I've also want to order some GT-EL34-M's. In which grade do you have them? (the performance number, that is written on the tube) I'm very interested in that. I do have the same problems like you have had.

What grade / performance number of the GRoove tube Power tubes is best for the Stiletto ACE?

I tried a NOS RFT in V1 and it was too dark. I'm running the Tung Sol EL34Bs and they really thickened up the tone nicely. And keeping the output at around noon helps keep things full at low volume too.

Tried a C90 and liked it, but not quite right for the Ace. It tames the highs but sounds sterile/thin if the treble/presence is too high. Switched back to the V30 and like it much better - more aggressive, more bite...

FYI - i'm running all new JJ relabeled Mesa ax7s and like them alot. Might try a GT-12ax7-c for fun in V1.

Also would love to try KT77s or E34Ls!

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