Special Vs Classic

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Jul 21, 2009
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I did some searching and I'm sorry if this has been covered before. I'm just about to bite the bullet on a 1x12 LSS but I still have not been able to find a Classic anywhere nearby. Any words of wisdom between the two?
It boils down to the tubes. With the LSS, EL-84's. Lower power per tube and quad, jangly Voxish tone. With the LSC, 6L6's. Higher power per tube and quad, full bodied Fenderish tone.

There is another thought around here that the LSC can convert to a LSS but not vice versa. A few guys around here have put EL-84's in via yellowjacket adaptors. Also the LSC will except EL-34's, 6V6's, KT-77's etc. I suspect that if you own a 513, then price is no object. If there is a Guitar center near by, and they don't have a LSC, they will ship one in for you. Of course they'll want you buy it. But at least you'll have the confidence of a whole amp, rather than some flea-bay deal shipped by united/fed gorilla's with the tubes all busted up.
Had both, like both, still have the classic but sold the Special. Each have their strong points but I prefer the classic with its clean headroom. In an ideal world the classic would have a third special style amp stage :)
Can you get those broken up clean sounds on the classic? What are some of those strong points you were talking about? I cranked the special and found that I could stay clean over a drummer. Does the classic have more gain than the special? Thanks so much guys!
PS, price IS an object haha. I saved up a ton to buy that 513 as I'm playing in a cover band and find it to be a pretty versatile guitar. I'm only 22 so $$$ is definitely a factor, but I'd rather save up to get something that will last me as opposed to something that will get me by. Between the LSS and the LSC there isn't a whole lot of difference in price so I could get either one. I work at a Mesa dealer and I can get either amp 10% above cost, but we're a small local shop, not a giant like GC, so my boss doesn't really want me to order up a LSC unless I'm sure I'm gonna buy it (we've only got the LSS in stock). I'm thinking of going with a 1x12 in either amp as I'm playing a 2x12 Peavey JSX right now and it's killing my back! There is something sweet about that 1x12 too. Here's a little background if you guys are trying to hear it.

I grew up a metal head and love the high gain stuff, but lately all of the bands I've been playing in use lots of cleans and overdriven sounds (nothing too heavy), but we'll throw in some 90s alt rock and stuff like that, so I definitely like to have a bit of gain. I'm using a Fulltone OCD and a Keeley Blues Driver 2 to get some nice dirt on my Peavey, but ever since we got the LSS in at my shop it's really made the clean on my Peavey sound very sterile in comparison. I love the peavey, but I never use channel 3 (ultra gain) anymore and the cleans just don't stack up to the LSS. Plus the thing weighs a ton and I'd love to downsize. I might just be lusting over the "Class A" factor of the LSS as I've never owned one before and it seems so boutique to me.

It's funny because I want to get a lonestar because I don't play much high gain stuff anymore, but part of me wants to make sure I can still get a good rock tone out of it. But I figure if I stick the OCD or the BD-2 on channel 2 it'll probably get pretty driven. I'm already very pleased with the LSS just from staying after work a few days and really cranking it. Incredible tone! I'm just worried I might like the LSC even more. Sorry if I'm just rambling here guys, I really appreciate your opinions!
well channel 2 can be cascaded gain don't forget. so you can have clean an slightly dirty for your band.. but make one "high gain" for indulging yourself. and from andy timmons sounds it takes pedals pretty well, so that will allow you to get a heavier tone too.
You can definitely get a really great, crunky saggy clean with the Classic, no question. It's way configurable and like a Fender but with more control over how the clean sounds. I like my cleans on the dirty side, and I'm as happy as a clam. Both the LSS and LSC are beautiful amps, see if you can try an LSC out at a GC if there's one near you; but I definitely advocate for the flexibility and power of the LSC over the Special, if there's any question in your mind about it.

However, if that Peavy's already killing your back, the LSC combo is really going to cause you problems. It's a beast. It has casters, which helps a lot. But 1x12 or 2x12, they're both killers. I'd get a head next time, but I personally am fine with the 1x12 (and my Subaru Forester/liftback -- if I had a trunk, it'd be a deal-breaker).
Thanks for all that info! The features of the LS series really appeal to me. I was saying to a few friends that if I were designing my own custom amp, i would have the features set up very similar to the lonestar layout. After a bit more searching on this forum (which I am absolutely loving) it seems that lots of people are leaning towards the LSC. Can you get those sweet broken up cleans out of the LSC at rehearsal volumes or do you really have to crank it/use an OD. What kind of weight are we talking with the LSC 1x12? My peavey 2x12 is 84lbs!
zwish said:
Thanks for all that info! The features of the LS series really appeal to me. I was saying to a few friends that if I were designing my own custom amp, i would have the features set up very similar to the lonestar layout. After a bit more searching on this forum (which I am absolutely loving) it seems that lots of people are leaning towards the LSC. Can you get those sweet broken up cleans out of the LSC at rehearsal volumes or do you really have to crank it/use an OD. What kind of weight are we talking with the LSC 1x12? My peavey 2x12 is 84lbs!

Re: Broken cleans at usable volumes: without a doubt. Easy as pie. No pedals necessary. Heck, depending on the style of clean you want, you can get really far by staying exclusively on Ch2 with a fair amount of gain/drive, and just clean it up with your guitar's volume control; at least for classic rock kind of stuff, this is magic.
Guitar > Cable > Amp.
Done. For funk and R&B, I like Ch1 with the gain at about 2:00, which gives you a nice lush, juicy clean that breaks just around the edges and compresses a bit, but stays completely transparent. And all of this is at pretty much any volume.

The screaming lead tones on Ch2 do need a bit of volume, just to get all squared away and smoothed out. But even that's manageable, doesn't need to be coliseum level or anything. If you use 6V6s, you'll get it at very usable levels.

Re: Weight: sounds like the amps' weights are comparable, so you probably won't be trading up too much if anything. I hear arguments on both sides of the LSC 1x12 vs 2x12 divide; no one really disparages the 1x12 though, and I simply love mine, so I bet you'd probably be quite satisfied with that. PS I see plan-x has posted the weight -- sounds like you'd be trading down either way!

Get the Classic, baby.
Well you certainly wouldn't be disappointed if you ended up with the classic.
Right on guys! Thanks so much for all this! I'm going to search around to find a classic in my area and give it a shot, from all your info now, I'm definitely leaning towards the classic. Seems like the more versatile of the two.
I'm sure I read somewhere that Boogie actually prefer the amp as a 1x12 and only put the 2x12 out as they thought people would want it. They recommend the 1x12 option though
Alright guys, I tracked down a LSC 2x12 and got to play it right next to a 1x12 LSS. Here's the verdict. I really want a 1x12 combo, and both of them sounded great but the LSC had a MUCH fuller tone, definitely the tone I'm going for. This is what everyone had been telling me all along but I finally got to hear it for myself today.

My question now is, will I still get that full, bassy, fat sound out of the LSC in a 1x12 vs a 2x12. That 2x12 is HEAVY!

fox5150 said:
I'm sure I read somewhere that Boogie actually prefer the amp as a 1x12 and only put the 2x12 out as they thought people would want it. They recommend the 1x12 option though

Hmm, I've never heard that, if that's the case, great! Thanks again for all of your input.
The 1x12 sounds fat as all hell. I'm sure the 2x12 sounds even huger, but you can always add a cabinet when you want to move more air. I'd say the extra fatness of the 2x12 is probably not worth the extra weight, but I might be biased.
djw said:
I'd say the extra fatness of the 2x12 is probably not worth the extra weight, but I might be biased.

Nah man, I'm on the same page as you. The extra cab seems like the way to go.
fox5150 said:
I'm sure I read somewhere that Boogie actually prefer the amp as a 1x12 and only put the 2x12 out as they thought people would want it. They recommend the 1x12 option though

Where did you read this, and why do you think they recommend the 1x12?
It has been reported here on this forum by several posters that the 1x12 sounds better than the 2x12.:shock: I was skeptical at first but, it makes sense to me now. I have been experimenting with removing one speaker from my 2x12 closed back cabs and they sound better and fuller. This is called a "detuned" cab. Essentially creating a front port out of the empty speaker hole that's not "tuned" to a specific size. Over on TGP I talked to some people and the general consensus is there is some cancellation and some comb filtering effect going on with 2x12. When 1 speaker has a large cab all to itself, it's gonna sound optimal.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure I'm placing an order for the a 1x12 LSC. Just trying to decide what color, haha! Very extraneous I know, but I figure this amp is going to last me a long time and I've had too many black amps.


I like the green! Again, thanks so much for all of the advice everyone. I'll be sure to post back with pictures once I finally get the amp. Do you guys know how long a custom order usually takes through mesa?
I believe it takes a few months... you could always call around to some shops you never know what they have in stock.

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