Speaker Recomendations

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2005
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So, Im coming to the final phases of Building my amp rig.

I have the Mark IV, A 6505+, running in tandem, A GCX ground control/audio controller on the way to split, and change channels, The tuner, the Power conditioner, the guitars, etc.

I have an avatar 4x12, and plan on buying another. I dont think they can be beaten for quality/price. I would like to consider mixing/using different speakers. My original cabinet has 4 V30s.

I used a Bogner Cab briefly in the studio - that combination seemed to work well (g12t 75s? and v30s), The highs were awesome, and it still had the bass response I like in the v30s.

What other speakers and speaker combinations should I consider - Avatar can only order Eminence and Celestion speakers, and I wouldnt mind ordering something else (EV 12LB) to get the grailtone.

The idea is to Scoop/push the bass on the 6505+ and push the mids on the Boogie.

Im open to any ideas, please let me know your thoughts!

verity38 said:
Personally I think Greenbacks are the way to go if you just mean Speakers themselves

Reasons why you like these speakers would be great? From what I understand, they have a nice midrange, and break up easily, giving it a cool pushed sound - Im using pretty high gain amps here, will those speakers muddy up to much?

BWK - why do you like those speakers?

Anyone else?

They are a great speaker. Very clear tones, but warm and not stiff like an EVM can be. As you crank the gain, you get a very nice break-up that is not harsh and they are defientlely not flubby.


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