Speaker choice help needed for Mark 3

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Apr 29, 2008
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I am replacing the speaker(EV) in my Mark 3 and out of these not sure which one to get

Emininence Wizzard

Emininence Swamp Thang

Emininece Red, white and BLues

Emininence Screaming eagle

or Eminince Tonker.

I am sure you guys are better qualified than I am understanding what would bring out the best in this amp.

I would like to tame down some of the 1.6khz spiking ness from the treble and warm the amp up but help to reduce the flubbiness of the bass of the amp. I was leaning towards the wizzard but someone said that would be too bright.
gts said:
cisspcism said:
I would like to tame down some of the 1.6khz spiking ness from the treble and warm the amp up but help to reduce the flubbiness of the bass of the amp.
Flubby bass? What are your settings? Keep that Bass at 2 or below.
Your EV is best IMHO and or an old Eminence MS-12.

Actually by bass is at 0, but the bas sknow is pulled at the deep know is pulled. Have prese down at 3 and treble at 5 and mids at 8, so I get bass.

I went a head and ordered a swamp thang
I hear great things about Eminence legend gb128 for combo amps they come stock in soldano cabs there very nice speakers i myself am stuck between getting a "quad" of celestion gh12-30 the son of a v30 and greenback or the eminenece ....soldano is my favorite cab imho.
I went and did the swamp thang to help introduce a smoother low end and lower mids to balaqnce out the trebly nature of the Mark iii, Plus I keep the bass on zero so the swamp thang will help add bass in a more pleasing way then the bass knob actually does
cisspcism said:
gts said:
cisspcism said:
I would like to tame down some of the 1.6khz spiking ness from the treble and warm the amp up but help to reduce the flubbiness of the bass of the amp.
Flubby bass? What are your settings? Keep that Bass at 2 or below.
Your EV is best IMHO and or an old Eminence MS-12.

Actually by bass is at 0, but the bas sknow is pulled at the deep know is pulled. Have prese down at 3 and treble at 5 and mids at 8, so I get bass.

I went a head and ordered a swamp thang
What eq settings are you using? From my experience the mid control tends to add in quite a bit of "flub" on its own, and pulling the bass knob out also throws in a lot of flubby-ness as well. Are you running a combo or a head into a cab? Combos will naturally be looser than running through a closed-back cab or Thiele. Either way it sounds like you already bought the speaker, so best of luck! Let us know what your results are. :)
I have a combo, the trick is trying to get the clean channel to sound good at the same time as the lead channel. The clean channel likes the deep and bass shift pulled out if I am going to have the bass that low Mids add more body.

I have tried everything pushed in and the clean sounds good with everything at 5 but turn on the lead and tha bass sounds flubby, so I reduce it and the lead sounds good but then the clean sounds tinny.

So I am trying to do a balancing act here
I hear ya! I'm trying to do the same thing, and you're right it's all a big balancing act. Try adding mids and bass in using the eq, rather than the knobs. This alllows you to add in both without the reprecussions that go with the knobs. As per balancing the channels, with me it's a matter of preference. I have to choose whether I want outstanding cleans (or as close as I can get with emg's :( ) and a so-so metal tone, or an awesome metal tone and so-so cleans. It IS possible to get all three channels to live in harmonious tonal bliss, but it usually takes A LOT of tweaking and work to get it there, along with a compromise or two.
Yea but here it the kicker mine is the 2 6l6 purble stripe with no graphic eq so I am screw there. I dont even use rhythm 2, just r1 for clean and the lead channel. I just find having bass on 5 sounds flubby on the lead channel but when bass is at 1 or 0 and the bass shift and deep are pulled I get that lost bass but it doesnt sound flubby.

If this doesnt work then it may just be clean channel and fulltone OCD for leads.

Cant really sell the amp cause it was a gift from the wife nad I already paid 250 to have it completely redone in purple tolex and wheet grill. After the speaker swap the only real thing that needs fixing is the tube rings to hold in the 6l6s mine are worn out and dont support the tubes anymore.



Hey man that looks good, I dig it! Regarding an eq, it's almost an absolute necessity to tighten up the low end imo. My Mark III doesn't have an eq, so I stuck a a Boss Eq-20 in there and it works well. Without it, the sound is definitely a lot looser, so I hear where you're coming from. If you have access to one, try an eq in the loop and see how it works out for you. The EV is a great speaker, and handles the low end quite well, so I'm not sure that's your culprit. One thing I never asked, what kinds of tones are you shooting for? Looking through your settings there, I would recommend turning the Lead Drive down to ~7 at the most, and turning up Volume 1 to at least 7 or 8 for a decent metal/lead tone, as well as the Treble to approx the same, varying with taste. Bass no higher than 2, as gts suggested, and Mid no higher than say 4 or 5. This usually gets me in the neighborhood, and as always best of luck and YMMV.
Not really trying for a metal tone, but more of close as I can to black face cleans and then a John petrucci Train of thought type of tone
If you run the treble at anything below 7, the bass and mid controls become stronger. The Bass Shift (pull the Bass knob), adds bottom mostly in the Rhythm Modes, so will be less flubby than increasing Bass.
Increasing the Bass above 2 or 3 in the pre-amp is what causes Lead flub.
This is why many like an EQ in the loop; it's post pre-amp, so you can add bass with less flub.
There are many sample settings in the manual, available at the Mesa 'site.
Try a Celestion G12T-100 in the combo, works well with an EVM 12L in a Thiele.
How much you asking for the EV?
I wasnt even thinking about selling the old speaker but I could, it is older and doesnt have the current type of speaker hook ups on it. I mean it has the lettes EV written on the dust cap of the speaker so I am asuming its the original one that came with the amp. I got the amp at an estate sale and the owner wasnt there just the people running the sale so I couldnt really ask to much about the amp. I guess 50 bucks plus shipping would be a fair price
I would be willing to go for 50.00 plus shipping. A man can never have too many EV's.
And as my wife says " A man can never have too many amps"

1985 double bender Tele
1990 Mark III hardwood w/ matching cab
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