Sovtek tubes

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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Columbus, Ohio
Anybody ever tryout the following in the power section?

The Sovtek 5881 / 6L6WGC
The Sovtek 5881WXT
The Sovtek 6L6GB

clutch, it all depends on your tone and response's a short story..

One of my long term customers used to insist on the Sovtek 5881 in his Boogie Tremoverb. That was until Svetlana began marketing and selling their tubes here in the U.S.

After returning from a short tour of North America, it was time for a retube and rebias. I put a set of the Svet's in while he was in the shop and he changed his preference over to the Svets.

Side note: Now the "true" Svets are sold under the Winged C or =C= (aka SED) brand. The current Sventlanas are owned by the New Sensor company (same folks that own Sovtek) and are made in their factory under their spec.

Poke around on the interent and you should find tube reviews that might give you a different view.
Thanks for the reply. I just picked up a 2ch and I was told it was tubed with "Sovteks" and didn't know anything about them.

The power section looks like a quad of Sovtek 5881WXT

And the preamps are Sovtek 7025/12AX7WA

Haven't had a chance to crank it that much so the jury is still out. Are these compatible with the Svetlana's? I've heard them talked about favorably.

My only experience is with Mesa tubes and Groove Tubes (Which I really liked in the preamp section)
My MKIV had 5881WXT's in it when I picked it up, they sounded like cardboard. "Into the bin with you" I exclaimed! :p

I settled on a set of GT-6L6GEs (White #6) and life is beautiful now....
Nigel.Wambuto said:
clutch71 said:
Oh yeah, and excuse my ignorance, the Sovtek 5881WXT and the Mesa 5881 are two totally different tubes correct?

Different base but otherwise identical.

So are they a little more mellow and have a later break up thatn the STR 440?
clutch71 said:
Nigel.Wambuto said:
clutch71 said:
Oh yeah, and excuse my ignorance, the Sovtek 5881WXT and the Mesa 5881 are two totally different tubes correct?

Different base but otherwise identical.

So are they a little more mellow and have a later break up thatn the STR 440?

In my experience, the Sovtek 5881/5881WXT breaks up a bit earlier than a true 6L6GC (like the STR440.) It also sounds slightly darker in most applications.
Nigel.Wambuto said:
clutch71 said:
Nigel.Wambuto said:
Different base but otherwise identical.

So are they a little more mellow and have a later break up thatn the STR 440?

In my experience, the Sovtek 5881/5881WXT breaks up a bit earlier than a true 6L6GC (like the STR440.) It also sounds slightly darker in most applications.

Do they run a different plate current that could be harmful? Reason I ask is that on my Old rectoverb I neever took the gain past 2 in Modern and 3 Vintage. On the DR w/ the Sovteks I'm running the gain at like 5 in Modern and dimed in Vintage. Just seems excessive.
i've used the 6L6WXT+ in my 3-channel dual rec for about a year now, and i don't think i will ever go back to anything else. my band tunes to drop c, and i must say if your looking for a deep, dark tone, look no further.
I've got one guitar dropped to C. Might have to give it a try. Don't think that guitar made it through yet. I play mostly standard, drop d and half step drop d.

I'll hang on to them and try it out.
I agree. This is the crap power section my DR had in it when I bought the head used. I went with STR 440's Yellow color. The amp got brighter, louder, and broke up later. The tubes also glowed a little bit brighter than the Sovtek 5881WXT's

Nigel.Wambuto said:
clutch71 said:
Nigel.Wambuto said:
Different base but otherwise identical.

So are they a little more mellow and have a later break up thatn the STR 440?

In my experience, the Sovtek 5881/5881WXT breaks up a bit earlier than a true 6L6GC (like the STR440.) It also sounds slightly darker in most applications.
Funny of my favorite Recto's I ever had was a Rev G from the mid 90's. That thing sounded massive on the overdrive and cleans sounded great. I replaced the front end when I first got it with a high gain JJ front end, but never touched the power tubes because it sounded great. Checked the tubes after having it a while, and it was loaded with Sovtek 5881WGC's.

It's funny because it was loaded with the power tubes that everyone seems to hate and say sound terrible, but that Recto always sounded massive. I've been experimenting with tubes again recently, and because of that amp, as part of my tube round-up...I just ordered a matched quad of Sovtek 5881WGC's to try in my Recto now along with the others.

They're being shipped right now actually. I'll give a full report after they get here if anyone likes.

Ordered my matched quad of Sovtek 5881WGC's from The Tube Depot ( online. Let me first say these guys were top notch. I paid via Paypal on Feb 18 at around 3 PM and put my request in the comments to get a matched quad (they only sell duets online, so I ordered two duets and requested a matched quad in the comments). By 12 noon on Feb 20, they were already on my doorstep, matched as requested.

Anyway, I went through a truckload of various tubes in the Recto to see what I would like best. I have a set of high gain JJ's from Eurotubes in the preamp, but I've been swapping power amp tubes. First was the stock Mesa's. From there I went with a set of JJ 6L6GC's. Then I tried JJ EL34L's and a matched quad of SED "Winged C" EL34's. So, the Sovtek 5881WGC's were the 5th set of power amp tubes I've had in that Recto to try in the last 2 weeks. I had settled on the SED EL34's until tonight.

So I get to practice tonight and pop in the Sovtek's. From the moment I turned on the power and start warming up with some basic metal riffing before practice, both I and the other guitarist in the band immediately noticed the difference in tone. I think it took all of about 15 seconds before he commented "Those sound a LOT better than the other ones."

In all, they worked out perfect for the amp. I'll never understand the cardboard comment regarding their sound (how the hell does something sound like "cardboard" anyway? :lol: ). I will say this...they are a very neutral sounding tube, and that's probably what people aren't liking about them when they review them. However, that's exactly what I like about them. I could completely see why someone would have a love or hate relationship with them.

First off, they don't have the more booming bass that the other 6L6's in there (Mesa and JJ 6L6GC) did. But to me, that's a good thing. If someone wants bass that rattles walls and competes with the bassist, this isn't your tube. The JJ's will get you there, as would the Mesa's. However, I find them to have plenty of low end in an already bass heavy amp and I liked how the low end sat in the mix in a band situation a lot better. It immediately made the overall sound of the band tighter by reducing some of the sub lows in the Recto and making allowing the bassist to be a little more pronounced. Playing by yourself, it might be cool to have an absurdly pounding low end. With the band, however, I found this to be more beneficial.

The mids were pretty balanced overall in the tube. In fact, I found myself going from around 12 Noon on the dial down to about 10-11 o'clock with them in. In comparison to the EL34's, it obviously doesn't have the upper mid focus, which works great for me also because I'm a V30 user (Mesa Traditional, Straight 4X12). The treble detail was pretty clear to me. They actually seemed a little punchier than the SED's in there. Running my Maxon OD808 in front as a boost, I went from running the Tone control at 12 Noon with the SED's to 9'clock with the Sovteks. It doesn't have the sizzle of an EL34, but again...that's a feature I like about them.

Funny enough, my favorite Recto I had before was loaded with high gain JJ's in the preamp and Sovtek 5881WGC's in the power amp. After trying everything under the sun, it looks like I've came full circle to what worked best for me before. If you want a tube that's going to add sizzle or color to your tone, beef up the low end to crazy proportions, and alter the tone of your amp in some form...then this is NOT the tube for you. If you want a tube that's very neutral all around that will remain tight without imparting massive qualities of mids or bass into your sound, then they might suit you well. They worked perfect for me...twice... 8)