Soundgarden tone question...

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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Columbus, Ohio
I recently set up my Squire (Seymour Duncan Hotrails in the Bridge) for BADGBE tuning for Soundgarden tunes like Rusty Cage and Searching w/ My Good Eye Closed...

I've got the intro and main rythmn down for Searching...but I'm have a problem finding that "dirty" clean tone from the chorus.

I know Kim Thayil (godbless you whereever you are) used Guild S-100's and I'm pretty certain he used DR's for this album. For the intro and rythmn I use Bold/Rectifiers/Modern, EQ set at noon with the mids dialed back slightly, Gain at 2 with an TS808 out front.

Was the "dirty" clean a product of engineering or does anyone have some settings they can recommend me try?
The sound is probably chris and kim playing together, one clean the other a little distortion. It's got great depth to it and probably gonna be hard to nail that sound with out a multi amp setup.
Wow... that's cool. I never knew that, or ever listened that closely to Soundgarden. They're one of those bands that I should absolutely adore but I've just never really gotten around to giving them a fair go.

However a good mate of mine bought the first Rectifier to ever come into Australia. It was an ex-Soundgarden tour amp.

I also actually use that method of recording guitar in some instances. I set up my Recto to sound like a cross between Modern - Rectifier and a Big Muff. Then I split the signal and run my Mesa Bass 400+ on clean (I love bass cleans). I also use a Big Muff on the 400+. I use it for a overdrive/lead. So the overdrive is a composition of Fuzzy Recto and Clean Bass amp and the lead is just all out fuzz.
ToneAddictJon said:
The sound is probably chris and kim playing together, one clean the other a little distortion. It's got great depth to it and probably gonna be hard to nail that sound with out a multi amp setup.

You know you are probably right. I hadn't thought of that. I did a little research and allegedly Chris used Dual Recs as well. If they used them on Badmotor Finger (and I think they did) they were most likely early DR's and the clean's weren't that great so that could be a little bit of that "dirty" clean that I just can't seem to nail.

I'll keep tweaking. I think my pickups could be a part of it and I don't have a reverb or chorus pedal just yet. I've been wanting to pick up an S-100. Those things just reak Soundgarden tone.

Areola - Give SG another go. I've been a fan since Ultra Omega Ok and saw them twice in their prime. The last album was not up to snuff but check out Louder than Love, Badmotorfinger, and Superunknown.
Tinkered in the auditorium this weekend. Volume.Volume.Volume.

Orange Channel set to clean Bols/Tube rectifiers and everything else at about noon with the gain right around 10:30. TS 808 set to noon.

Not as "Chimey" as I would have liked but darn close.
I own Badmotorfinger and Louder Than Love but haven't given it a real thorough listen. Only when I'm driving and its not the best place to truly absorb. I dont not like them, its just that i haven't really had a proper listen to justify to myself that i'm worthy of calling myself a fan.
I remember reading an interview with Kim once, and he basically said that he doesnt use the DR for so much other than leads in the studio. I believe soundgarden used Peavey VTM-120 heads in the studio for Badmotorfinger. On top of this, they layered the parts heavily for the rich, thick tones you hear on that album.