Something to try

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2008
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Been away from home for a few weeks and without my ED and gear for a bit.

Got in late last night and just now the wife and daughter went out grocery shopping. So volume is no issue!

If you guys get a chance, I highly recommend trying this, but you will need an empty house or very cool neighbors and family members. You can do it on Vintage Hi or Lo, but I mainly do it on Hi.

Setup you dirt channel to exactly how you love it. Now drop the volume (gain) to a bit less then you would like.

Now go to the master volume and turn it up till you overdrive the power amp section enough to get that lost gain back. The dirt you gain back here will have a bite unlike what you were getting from the preamp section that really kicks ***.

I find I need to kick the master to about 2 o'clock to get it to where I need to. I keep it on 45 watts for fear of doing structural damage to my house. But even there it is ear bleeding.

Next time I play with a drummer and bass player I will try this, but even on 45 watts I will probably need to use the hotplate to tame it a bit.

This amp really overdrives the power section nicely and really tightens up. Other amps I have messed with can get flubby when you do this. But this one sounds sweet.
primal said:
I find I need to kick the master to about 2 o'clock to get it to where I need to. I keep it on 45 watts for fear of doing structural damage to my house. But even there it is ear bleeding.

That must be frighteningly loud. Not until I get a hot plate =P
...tried this yesterday... loved it. :twisted:
ran the whole amp backwards too...
turned volume all the way down; set the master in the 1 to 3 range, and brought up volume (SLOWLY!) until i was at maximum basement level...
sounded great! a little different. not necessarily better - just another great sound in the ED!

got me wondering if there would be any benefit to the ole' volume-control-in-the-effects loop trick...

I've never fully grasped how/why this would work in a Master Volume amp, but it's worth a try for those of us too broke for a hotplate!

anyone tried it yet?
The "Volume box in the FX Loop" trick is only for Non-master amps. All Mesa's have masters, so this is just a waste of time. It won't get you power tube overdrive like an attenuator will. This is a common misconception that eBay sellers like Voodooman, and others take advantage of to sell their useless product.
"The "Volume box in the FX Loop" trick is only for Non-master amps. All Mesa's have masters, so this is just a waste of time. It won't get you power tube overdrive like an attenuator will..."

i understand that... my only thinking is that in an amp that ramps up in volume so quickly - IF a volume box in the loop sounded decent, it could help with fine-tuning the master volume...

i'm certainly not running out to get one! just wondering if anyone had tried it!

that's what work is for... sitting around wondering about the different things to try when you get home to your ED. (after getting the kids fed, bathed, spending some quality time with the wife etc. etc. etc.)

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