I am not sure I completely understand what you are referring to as your output level, but I will try to answer based on my assumption that your description of "output level" is the overall master volume knob of the amp and NOT the level of the Solo feature.
However, before I do this it is important to note the "Solo" boost feature will only work with the loop-in selected in the back of the amplifier. Apparently, you have yours set correctly or you wouldn't hear any volume boost at all with "Solo" engaged. In fact, without the loop-in selected in the back the "overall master volume" knob doesn't do anything either.....each channel master acts as its own final master volume of the amp in that case.
Secondly, the solo boost feature does nothing more than add volume to your overall output level (master volume knob) of the entire amp located to the far right of the amplifier. The solo feature has nothing to do with how each individual channel is set...including the independent channel volume knobs, gain knobs, tone controls, mode toggles, etc.
BTW....you have your gain maxed in channel 3 which I would never recommend or find musically useable.....try a setting from 11 - 2 o'clock. I would start with gain settings in these ranges for all channels and modes to start with, but never ever would I dime the gain in channel 3 to get a good sound period. I also don't typically dime to channel volume knobs, but that is more of a personal preference to me.
Typically, I will set my gain and channel volume controls in their low to medium ranges in each channel, set my overall master volume knob (far right) to fairly low 9 - 10 o'clock, and my solo level very low...say 8 o'clock (bairly cracked open).
Give my "medium range of settings" a try in each channel set to 10W for starters...so as to not accidentally be surprised with very high volume...and then customize to what sounds great to you while staying away from very high gain settings in channel 3....IMO.
Note: I use my channel volume knobs to obtain balanced settings between all channels for a given master volume setting. Do not make the mistake of setting your solo boost knob set even close to as high as your overall volume knob or you will shake the windows when engaging it. Start with your overall master volume and solo boost set very low to avoid ear splitting surprises.
I hope this helps, and best of luck! This is a great amp!!