solo boost mod for tremoverb footswitchable?

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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just looking for some input on the idea. thanks for any input.
Yes, you can blow the reverb drive transformer and/or the driver tube like this. Remember that it's a small tube power stage and like any tube power stage it must not be run with no load.

If you must do it, you need to add a 10-ohm, 2W resistor across the reverb send connection. The best way to do this is to make a box with the resistor in it, plus a couple more to act as a level pad for it, so it won't be so loud and noisy. The box just needs RCA connections (either captive cables or jacks) and it replaces the reverb tank.
thanks for the info, I'm not messing with it. it's not worth the worries. Again thanks for saving me the headache,