So what's wrong with the F 50??

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Mar 3, 2007
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Hi everyone. I'm a potential buyer of the F 50, which I tried in the shop the other day and quite liked it. The thing is, I've read up to page 15 of this forum and all the topics I found about that amp were about problems and malfunctions, so now I'm feeling a bit aprehensive about it.

Is it really such a problematic amp??

My other option is going for an Orange RV50. After what I've read about the F50, I don't now if I'm better off going for the Orange.

I'd appreciate any help guys.

Thanks a lot.
Its not a problematic amp. Mine had the common footswitch pop and hiss, but the hiss turned out to be normal. It was my first tube amp so I didn't know much about hiss on high gain amps.

I sold it because it was just too loud for my apt.
Thanks Barney.

This will be my first tube amp and I know nothing about them, besides the fact that they sound amazing.

What causes that hiss?? is it the pream? the tubes? the valves?

I must confess I'm a real rookie on this.

Cheers mate!
I bought mine used, retubed it, and have had no technical troubles at all. I've had it since about May of 2005. It's an '04 model. They're great amps.

OK, well I had one issue, The power chord came loose. A quick reseat and it was fine. That really doesn't count, does it?
Not really mate, it doesn't count...

Just one more thing.... the sound I'm after is kind of retro. Something like Led Zep or late Beatles, and occasionally some blues and even harder stuff (but nothing to do with metal). Also, I'm after a touch of jazz, therefore it's essential for me to have a good clean sound.

Do you think this amp can give all that?? (BTW, I have a Gibson LP STD)

Like I said, I tried it out the other day and I liked it, but couldn't test it properly with that bloody rep over my shoulder asking me every 2 minutes if everything was alright.

Cheers guys!
Clean channel: yes

Distortion:...its a little to Dual Rectifier sounding I would say.

I own a 2002 F-50 combo and a 2005 F-50 head. No problems with either whatsoever. My lifting ability is going down as my age goes up. That's the reason for the head acquisition.

check this out:

It's long; but it will give you a lot of insight on the amp.

N50+3 (5)
I've had mine 3.5 years with only two issues...and one was my fault and I easily fixed it myself with some help from their Tech Support line. Now I've discovered that the Bright switch isn't working and I'll have to take it in for that, but it's still under warranty, so it's just a matter of the hour drive to the nearest authorized repair facility.
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate your replies.

Thanks Nifty for the link, it's really cool!

I'll see you all in the forum.

barneyc4 said:
Clean channel: yes

Distortion:...its a little to Dual Rectifier sounding I would say.

Ummm...that was not my take on the distortion/lead channel. To me it's more Mark like with a hint of recto....
My F-100 2x12 combo has performed flawlessly for me over 4 years of practices and gigs. I've only had to retube the power section twice so far and I had one microphonic preamp tube.

Off the top of my head, the problems that I've seen are few and far between, but here are the more serious ones reported in the F-series Lounge on HC:

1) Blown Screen grid resistor. This happens sometimes when a power tube blows. It's an easy fix, but can be difficult to diagnose. Normally, one tube will be glowing red hot.
2) Screen grid resistor broken off solder points. I don't even know how this could happen, but it did. The actual resistor was fine and the owner simply resoldered it back in. Everything worked fine after that.
3) Mesa Custom 90 speaker with broken voice coil. This is another strange one, because I've never seen a speaker fail this way. From what I gather, the speaker's internal voice coil connections broke.
4) The first batch of F-30s had an incorrectly rated capacitor on the power supply, which was replaced by Mesa on warranty.
5) Generally, most of the problems with the F-series are simply due to being a tube amp. Preamp tubes go microphonic or fail and can cause an excess of noise. Power tubes can lose power output or make the volume fluctuate randomly, and even take a screen grid resistor with them when they blow. That's why you should try to take note of how the amp sounds so that when the power tubes start to lose their luster you can replace them before they blow and potentially cause bigger problems.

As is normally the case, when a person has a good experience with an amp, they'll tell a few people about it. When a person has a bad experience with an amp, they'll tell everyone they know. :)
barneyc4 said:
Clean channel: yes

Distortion:...its a little to Dual Rectifier sounding I would say.

Ummm...that was not my take on the distortion/lead channel. To me it's more Mark like with a hint of recto....
+1, I think of the F-series as a bit of a hybrid of the Mark and Recto. Regular channel 2 has a very mark-influenced fat solo sound and with an EQ in the loop can get just as nasty. The raw feel and slightly scooped mids of Contour bring out the Recto aggression, but it never sounds as fizzy.
fumetas said:
Not really mate, it doesn't count...

Just one more thing.... the sound I'm after is kind of retro. Something like Led Zep or late Beatles, and occasionally some blues and even harder stuff (but nothing to do with metal). Also, I'm after a touch of jazz, therefore it's essential for me to have a good clean sound.

Do you think this amp can give all that?? (BTW, I have a Gibson LP STD)

Like I said, I tried it out the other day and I liked it, but couldn't test it properly with that bloody rep over my shoulder asking me every 2 minutes if everything was alright.

Cheers guys!

The F50 is a problem free amp. However, once in a while you may get a lemon. However, Mesa QC is tight - I've never seen a Mesa lemon so far.

Now, As far as your choice of music - the F50 cleans are great but it appears that you would be better served by an EL34 amp. Why not try the Ace?