So what does a recording recto's clean sound like?!

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hey gang... It's been a while.

I'm looking to do some recording and cannot get the tones I like thru a POD unit.
So, now I'm thinking the Recording Recto may be my best option!

I cannot find one locally so please tell me, what does the clean channel sound like?
- thin but cutting?
- fat and round better for leads?
- Lonestaresque?
- Mark I ??
- II or IIc?
- Is it good or is the OD channel where it shines?

Lonestar, it's the same preamp circuit. It whoops my MkIII's cleans up and down the block.

I think all these tracks were done on the "Brit"mode, I don't remember.
Thanks, CoG! Those clips sounded really good!

Question - now tell me about the OD channel, please.

I'm a big fan of low gain OD which the LSC had but I didn't like the tone.

What does the RR offer?
I'll dig up some clips. I'd say it's got a little more gain on tap than my MkIII, handles high gain better, is tighter than a DR/TR but not as tight as a Roadster or Road King and nowhere near as tight as a Mark.

I like it but it's definitely not as saturated as a full Recto. It sounds like a totally different amp than the Roadster I have here. You can't really get that big thick wall of chunk.

It's super-responsive to tube changes. If you put a 5751 in V1 the amp cleans up to the point where you really can't play metal with it anymore but it's a great rock sound.
Very cool.

Can you get is sounding like a Mark I?

When you say a 5751 in the v1 do you mean on the drive channel or doing the standard v1 and the cascading stages keeps tamed to a hard rockin' machine vs. metal?