So I have a Mark V, how do I justify another amp purchase?

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Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Oceanside California
The Mark V is absolutley wonderful, gives me every sound I can think of, let alone those that will go thru my fingers. But, it's darn heavy. This gives my back some issues. I truly use the 3 channels and effects loop, and regularly use 2 of the 3 available wattages. The Carvin V3M looks enticing. I do play a variety of styles, but not anything extreme, from The Cure and The Cult to Jane's Addiction to classic rock and even Muse, Kings of Leon, Linkin Park and my personal favorite, Nero Zero (see YouTube), and do grab and go over to a practice here and there, at times with a loud drummer. Price limit -- the lower the better. Used models most welcome, especially if it takes pedals well (I do have a Tech 21 T.R.I. AC). I guess I would like to find a cheap and light good amp. The Peavey Bandit also seems like a good, cheap choice. Not looking for an imminent purchase, just advice other than stats on a website. Thanks!
I bought an Egnater Rebel 30 to compliment my Mark V. It does the Voxy/vintage Fender sounds. It's small, it's affordable and extremely versatile. Now I have a stereo rig for ambient stuff.
You don't have to feel justified to buy another amp or guitar or anything else. If you have the money, go for it.
Peavey makes a good amp. If your wanting something in a lighter weight Mesa, look at the Express 5:25. The 10" combo is pretty lightweight. I've seen some good used deals come up.
I'd love to have a Peavey XXX Super 40 EFX for those times when I'm feeling lazy and want a grab-n-go amp to throw in the passenger seat...
MusicManJP6 said:
I'd love to have a Peavey XXX Super 40 EFX for those times when I'm feeling lazy and want a grab-n-go amp to throw in the passenger seat...
Hold out for the 1x12 version. The super 40 isn't true 3 channel so you have to chose between Clean or Crunch for channel 1.
Thanks for all the replies. I don't have the money at the moment blew it all on the Reverend Reeves Gabrels sig model in the picture. I simply have permenent GAS, but have a wife and 2 kids that obviously would take higher priority, and plan out my music purchases as well as I can, attempting to cover every angle. It's more of a want than a need.

I have seen the XXX's before, and I'm well aware of Peavey's reliability, used to have a TNT 100 in the late 80's doing the bar band circuit as a bass player in college. My dad put casters on it, I could literally ride it down the dorm hallway.

Keep 'em coming!!

Thanks again!!
So I have a Mark V, how do I justify another amp purchase?

Simple. Buy another Mark V.

Why have one when you can have two?

You have two kids, right? Well, then how come you don't have two Mark V's? GET WITH THE PROGRAM!
MesaGod666 said:
So I have a Mark V, how do I justify another amp purchase?

Simple. Buy another Mark V.

Why have one when you can have two?

You have two kids, right? Well, then how come you don't have two Mark V's? GET WITH THE PROGRAM!

you, sir, are a genius.

:D :lol:
You can never have enough musical merchandise - absolutely impossible. You shouldv'e put that expectation up front before you said "I do."

I see you have fallen into the typical Mesa combo downfall/trap - weight. All Mesa combos are combination amps and boat anchors because they are built like tanks. Mine weights 97lb w/o casters.

I literally, on this issue alone, bought a P V classic 30 and I'm very happy and it's a happy 45lbs. It is not three channel though and it does not do heavy metal/high gain stuff. I practice with it and play small gigs with it. It does the job.

It's a very popular and common amp, tube, less expensive, and you find a used deal on c.l. or flebay any day of the week.

- Pat.

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