xT00BZRG00Dx said:
Thanks alot for your help!!! I'll try that. And BTW, i'm using EMG's. What 1x12 cab should I get?
No worries. Again, if you are just going at bedroomish volumes it probably doesn't really matter a whole lot. Differences between cab types and speaker types just won't be as big a deal at the low volumes. You *probably* want a closed-back one if you have a choice. Just watch your local craigslist or whatever and buy a used one. Avatar 1x12s are pretty common used, I have had a couple and they're good.
Big thing to remember overall is that you WON'T be able to use the same settings at bedroom volume into a 1x12 and at, like, band volume into a 4x12, and have it sound at all the same, you'll have to dial the amp in differently in each situation.