Small, Cheap, Practice Speaker

The Boogie Board

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Active member
Jun 24, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Alright, i'm sick of lugging my 4x12 back and forth between home and practice. I'd like to keep it there, but then I can't use my Dual Rec head at home. Does anyone have any suggestions for the smallest, cheapest, speaker cab that could handle the 3Ch. DR at low to moderate volumes. I know it will probably sound like crap, but i need to be able to have it on to work with functions and channels while I'm working with the G-major and MIDI controller. I don't have much dough to throw at it as it's all going to towards the rack stuff right now. This is just for convienence sake.

Ideas :?:
Check out ebay . I wouldnt go real cheap on it or it will sound like crap . Kinda defeats the purpose of owning a Mesa . look for a V30 cab
If it is "too cheap," it will sound like it. since you have a DRec head, I'd suggest one of Boogie's wide 112 cabs in 3/4 back. These are wide enough to support your head, but still sound good. They (and the 1/2 back) pop up on the bay with some regularity. I'd be patient and just wait for he right one to come by.

It's ok if it doesn't sound great at home, I just need something that will provide enough to handle the load from the head, so I don't fry it when I turn it on. It would be awesome if there were a way to use headphones.
You could just get an attenuator with a line out, if you just want to use headphones.

You could get a thiele with a Delta Pro or a 12L if you want something compact. Sit the head on its side, on top if you want a funny looking stack :p
Krank 112 are supposed to be nice, theyre cheap too.

They come with eminence speakers im not sure exactly which ones tho.