Slave Out to a rack mount mixer?

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Mar 14, 2009
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I'm currently using a mic on my 4x12 Mesa cabinet, and sending the signal to a rack mount mixer.
I have the G-Force connected to the rack mount mixer's Effects Loop.
The rack mount mixer's Main Out is connected to a rack mount power amp. From there, it goes to a Vertical 2x12 Mesa cabinet.
I use the 4x12 as my dry sound and the 2x12 as my wet sound.
I adjust the amount of the wet sound(2x12) to my dry(4x12) to get incredible effects while preserving the true tone of the Mesa Triple Rectifier. I did this because the Mesa effects loop colors the amp's tone and muddies the effects from the G-Force. I bypass the effects loop all together now.
I'm extremely pleased with the results I've been getting.

Triple Rec> 4x12> mic> rack mount mixer line in> mixer FX loop send> G-force in> G-Force out> mixer FX loop Return> mixer Main Out> rackmount power amp> 2x12.

I'm not sure on the use of the Slave Out. How it can and should be used?
My question here is, could I use the Mesa Rectifier Slave Out to send the signal to the rack mount mixer, instead of micing the 4x12 cabinet?
Is it possible?
Which is the best? Mic the cabinet, or use the Slave Out to the rack mount mixer?
I have a Triple and a Roadster Combo.

I use a Line 6 Digital Delay pedal. I have at times run the slave out of the Triple back thru the pedal and then into the effects return of the Roadster and had good results. This allowed me to use the sampler in the pedal to hold a rythym going while I played lead over the top.

What you said will work. To my best knowledge the slave out is an independent signal from your preamp section, it should work fine going into the mixer you are using. Sometimes putting all this together can introduce noise, grounding type noises. The way you are doing it with a mic may be quieter than the slave out. You would have to experiment to see the difference, but there is no reason I know of that running the slave into the mixer would hurt anything.

Currently I dont use 2 rigs Ive gone back to a mono setup live. I play too much to be lugging all that stuff around. But when Im at home practicing I wire up all sorts of configurations.

Good Luck and let your ears guide you on this.

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