Single Recto VS Carvin V3 VS Line6/Bogner Tube Amp

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Jun 21, 2005
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I've owned a Single Reco for well over a year now and am finally getting tired of the tone in a band setting. I find alone the Recto's are huge, but in a band mix only the some bass and all the highs seem to cut through. I'm getting no mids coming out. Hence I'm losing all my definition. I have my mids around 3:00 and my treble around 12:00. My gain never goes past 12:00. Finally getting sick of this as a live amp. BTW I use it on modern with a Mesa 4x12 Traditional cab. So I'm thinking about ditching this amp for either a Carvin V3, or the upcoming Line6/Bogner tube amp. Talk me out of it guys. I've heard a Carvin V3 against a Dual live and loved the Dual alot more but can't seem to talk myself into buying the Dual if I don't like the Single. Please help. Thanks
I own a full stack Mesa Trem-o-Verb as my main rig, and a Carvin V3 half stack as a back up. I asked the other guys in the band to give me their preference after I set both up at a recent rehearsal and jammed back and forth between the two, working out different tone settings on the amps and different configurations between the cabs. The other guitar player runs two Hiwatt full stacks, and one of the goals was to find the best complimenting tones to his rig. After a 6 hour marathon the resulting consensus was to run them together. It means some fancy footswitching, but the sound is AMAZING! If you can, keep the Single Rec and add a V3 or something similar.
The thing about these amps is there's so many things you can do to them to change how they sound. You might want to try some el34's in it. As of late I've also been running my 3 channel dual in the vintage setting in channel 3 and raw in channel 2, it really cuts hard when you put the preamp volume lower and turn up the master. You might want to try a different cab as well, I've become a huge fan of 1x12's and they are much easier to push. A 1x12 will also give you a bit more focus and feel tighter than a 4x12 (IMO).
Does anyone notice a difference in the cut of a Dual vs Single?
How about trying new EQ settings before buying anything? I liked my dual setup like this: vintage mode or RAW but i didn't care for modern.

Gain- 12 o clock or less (less was better)
treble - all the way off (yep off! if you raise it just a little bit it completely takes over you tone controls)
Mid - all the way up (you can lower it to taste but with the treble off this control offers a ton of shaping)
Bass - 10 oclock or anywhere that is tight enough for you
Prescence - use this as your treble control (i had it nearly all the way up)
Master - set to taste

Tubes aren't going to fix your tone they are just going to fine tune it. If you're way off then it's not going to do you any good to just start popping tubes and blowing money.

These settings are unorthodox especially to the metal crew but I thought the amp was much more toneful when compared to a traditional setting of scooped mids, cranked gain, and cranked bass.

Don't be afraid to try new things. It's free!! Once you expend all of your resources then it is probably time to change.

If you can't cut with my settings then you probably need a new amp :)

I know my DR cuts as well as my Mark IV, but it took me a LOT longer to dial in my DR than any other amp I've ever owned. I agree that settings you would never think of or think would work, sound amazing on Recto's.
Locky said:
Does anyone notice a difference in the cut of a Dual vs Single?
Well for one, louder (50 watts vs 100 watts) , Dual Rectifier has the option of selecting either tube rectifiers or silicon rectifiers. Some feels good having this option, others keep it on silicon. Your preference. Then today's DR has three channels and that's 8 modes compared to 'only ' 5 modes, 2 channels in the Single Rectifier.

Someone is going to dispute the loudness saying the the Dual Rectifier is only 3 db louder than the Single Rectifier. O-kay, play through a Stack with each, then tell me which is louder.

Its like comparing two cars which is faster. Obvious usually the one with the more horse power is faster but say not by much (Also depends). Now say you want to tow something heavy like a boat with each vehicle. Now which one is obviously faster?

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