Single Rectifier vs Roadster

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2009
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Man, have you people heard SteveHubbard on YouTube? That guy rips and has some smokin' reviews. My question is, how the heck does he get his Single Rectifier to sound like that? My Roadster doesn't even come close to that sound! The Roadster definitely is smoother and darker. I love his tone. Check it out:
His playing is awesome for sure, but that is a typical Rectifier sound (not a bad thing at all -- I used to own a Triple).

He either has it set on the higher side treble/presence-wise, or his mic is closer to the speaker cone.

Also, after starting up the 2nd time, I saw a pop up that said "Raw mode -- Full Gain". That would be somewhat brighter by default.

You should be able to get the same or reasonably close with the Roadster. Try Ch3 on Raw or Vintage with higher treble and/or presence.
Wow, that tone is good. Is that really how you achieve that, with the presence up? I'll have to try that myself.
budlovesaly said:
I think he might have the treble dimed, and the presence at 3 o clock.

Agreed. Or at least something in that range.