single rectifier tones

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mosh potatoes

Dec 9, 2005
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hey new here..what's up?

on to my problem...

i've got a single rectifier series II, stock 6L6GC power tubes and stock preamp tubes. i'm using an ltd viper301 with emg81 and 85 (bridge and neck respectively). i can't seem to get a tone that i'm happy with for more than a few days. i've had this amp for about a year now, and i've been tweaking the settings for a while. for some reason my tone just seems to have a harsh bite to it, especially when playing high notes at relatively high volumes. i'm looking for a tone that's similar to arch enemy, but i just cannot find it. in case it helps you to help me, here are my settings:

output - 4.5
master - 2.5
presence - 5.1
bass - 4.9
mid - 4
treble - 5
gain - 8

and those settings are for the 'modern' setting. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
Switch to the vintage setting and if you have the Mesa traditional cab, make sure to get at least 2 Black Shadow Custom 90 speakers in there. Problem solved:)
Just curious, rectos' don't have numbered knobs, so the settings that you posted, are they "clock equivalent" settings? In other words your output is 4.5 so you're saying the outout is at 4:30 which is just about maxed out, is that correct? Or are you using a number system of 1 to 10, 10 being the loudest? Again, I'm just curious.


For a minute there (if those were "clock" numbers) I was wondering if you had any ear drums left.

I had a ROV Series 2 for 8 months, never could dial in what I was looking for. I think it was due to the 2x12 closed back "Recto" cab. Could never get rid of the "mud" or find my tone. Sold it.

Sorry I'm no help.

4.9 duh of course he's going by 1-10 you just wanted to be a smart ***

Wasn't being a smart ***, if I was I would have definitely worded things differently. But, I did go back and look at all of his numbers again and it was a stupid question to ask. So, sorry guys!

If I wanted to be a smart ***, lets say towards you I might say something like ................ "duh, 4.9 your IQ?" See, now that's being a smart ***.

But thanks for bringing my error to my attention :wink:
Can I be a smart @$$ too? I'd say stop being critical of the amp, and invest in a better guitar! :idea:
Mosh, I have an old star shaped Guild X-88 with EMG's that I used in the 80's as my gigging guitar....It was also the 1st guitar that I played thru my ROV combo. I've since purchased an Ibanez AR2000VV which is more PRS like with warmer humbuckers. It definitely has a softer distortion and doesn't pierce thru like the EMG's. It might be worth borrowing a Les Paul or LP style guitar and see if it doesn't get you what you need lead wise. Either that or cut your master (channel) volume to about 3 and give it output volume
And as far as style, I'm not a blues guy who plays with mild gain (not that there's anything wrong with that :wink: )...I like the over the top lead sustain that it sounds like you're looking for.
mosh potatoes said:
there's nothing wrong with the guitar
Agree with fedsalvo,

When I had talked to Trace @ Voodoo Amps about my "tone" he said my problem was 2 fold the bigger part being the fact that I was playing through a 2x12 (V-30's) closed back Recto cab. So what are you playing through? Great point fedsalvo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a marshall avt412. definitely not the best, and i know i need to upgrade it. but im trying to make the best of what i have right now
It's unbelievable what a difference speakers & cabs can make.

Mosh, I hear ya "making the best of what you have for now". I don't know where you are, but, why not take your amp to a GC or someplace that has different cabs (of course act like you wanna buy one right now) and try it out through various set-ups, if anything for piece of mind. If you find a "tone" that you absolutely love then you know it's just your "speakers".
If you still can't find your tone than you may have to accept that the amp may not be for you. I know things can sound "different" in a store but if you KNOW what you're looking for you'll be able to tell.

Good luck!

I'll still attribute it to the pups! Take the amp to a store, try different guitars, and try different cabs!
I absolutely agree with this. The tone of EMG's may not be quite single coil vs Humbucker but they are different.
Each component of a rig can positively or adversely effect the sound. It starts with the wood selection of the guitar, goes to the pickups, hits the amplifier stage, goes thru to the speakers and finally......the acoustics of the room (don't under estimate the room factor). Any or all of the above will make your sound significantly different

jbird said:
I'll still attribute it to the pups! Take the amp to a store, try different guitars, and try different cabs!
mosh potatoes said:
hey new here..what's up?

on to my problem...

i've got a single rectifier series II, stock 6L6GC power tubes and stock preamp tubes. i'm using an ltd viper301 with emg81 and 85 (bridge and neck respectively). i can't seem to get a tone that i'm happy with for more than a few days. i've had this amp for about a year now, and i've been tweaking the settings for a while. for some reason my tone just seems to have a harsh bite to it, especially when playing high notes at relatively high volumes. i'm looking for a tone that's similar to arch enemy, but i just cannot find it. in case it helps you to help me, here are my settings:

output - 4.5
master - 2.5
presence - 5.1
bass - 4.9
mid - 4
treble - 5
gain - 8

and those settings are for the 'modern' setting. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

Try backing off the presence to around 3-4, and bass to around 3.5, turn up the mids up to around 6. Also try using an OD pedal in front as a clean boost. I also like to bypass the loop completely.

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