antunififi said:
deeman said:
Is this a new amp? Have you had it for a while working and now it doesn't work? Did you change anything recently?
bought it used. it was ok the last time i used it then when i turned it on, theres no sound coming in CH1 and very low sound from CH2.
I didnt do anything since the last time I used it.
This most certainly sounds like a preamp tube issue. Swap a new tube in, one position at a time. I would suspect V3 or V1, but anything is possible. Avoid EH, Sovtek, Tung-Sol reissue, Mullard reissue & Mesa "Russian-1" (Sovtek) & "Russian-2" (EH) tubes in V3 & V4, they have been known to fail in those positions. JJ's, any Chinese, and the latest Mesa 12AX7 (JJ) are fine.