Single Rectifier Issue

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Aug 8, 2009
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Hi, I've been the owner of a series II single recto for about two years now and have nothing but good things to say about it. Last night I was playing at our practice space and noticed that my volume was starting to fluctuate. I turned the amp off and let it cool down for a few minutes and when I turned it back on all the low end was gone. It sounded like just the preamp without the poweramp if that makes any sense. Just very tinny and weak. I assumed it was a tube issue, but I have several different sets of power tubes and they all do the same thing. I don't have any extra preamp tubes, but I switched them all around and it did nothing. For some reason the clean/pushed channel sounds fine. I tried different cables, different guitar, different tubes, and nothing helped. If you guys have any idea what the problem might be, please voice your thoughts. Thanks.
If your sure the power tubes are good and at a rating suitable for Mesa's fixed bias and it's still doing time.

Especally since what you are describing sounds like the tell tale signs of failing power tubes.
+1. Change out your preamp tubes one at a time like the manual says and if that dose not work take it to a tech.
Well, I fully retubed it and no luck. Still did the same thing, so I took it to a tech. He called me back and said he did a full diagnostic on it and could find absolutely nothing wrong with it. The store is a licensed Mesa dealer, and he has been working on Mesas for years. Could this be a cabinet problem?
Is the problem recurring wherever you plug it in? Another cab is not a bad idea but I thought you tried different speaker cables?

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