Single rectifier effects loop instrument or line level?

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Jan 28, 2008
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I just got a single recto series 2 solo head and would like to know if the effects loop iis insrtumnt of line level so I can determine if it will take pedal delays.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I spoke with Boogie on the phone today and wanted to post the answer incase anyone hits this thread through a search in the future.
The loop is line level.
Hi roodboy -
FYI I have a Series II Single Rec and so far the only thing that I have been able to successfully run through the loop is an EQ pedal. That being said, it worked really well though. I was just really hoping to be able to run my Line6 DL4 delay pedal through the loop as well.

- Ryan
It's a paralell loop and will take a little tweaking. The weakest link in MB products is the paralell loop IMO. There is a mod to make it series but you'll lose your solo feature.
For whom it may concern: Mod to series loop will not help. It does not make the recto loop less line level. Delay may be usable if used reasonably, but not the boost on my Tech21 Boost DLA fck fck fck... fck fck fck...
Would something like this help? If I'm reading what it does correctly, it steps a signal down from line level then back up again.

I've never used one and don't even have an effects loop, so don't quote me on that.
clutch71 said:
There is a mod to make it series but you'll lose your solo feature.
This is a myth. Converting the loop to series does not lose the Solo function. At worst (on the amps with a switchable loop) you lose the ability to switch the loop, but that's all. On the Rectoverb and other amps with the simpler version of the loop it makes no difference at all.

The loop is also not line level - it's a little high for pedals, but not as high as full line. (I agree that the loop is one of the weak features of most Mesa amps.) You can make it work with some pedals if you keep the channel masters, which are effectively the send levels, down and run the Output Level high to compensate - although you may still not get it to work fully with all pedals without having to have the masters down so low that they get very 'touchy' and don't sound good. I had to mod a Rectoverb with a couple of resistors to bring the level down a bit further and get around this using Boss delays, but it does work.

I wouldn't use a Line6 delay in the loop, according to Line 6 there is a risk of damage to the pedal. (Even if they didn't have a tendency to stop working anyway...)
@ Scandoslav: that might help, but I don't want further expenses and especially no additional gear since with the rectifier I already have to use a screamer and a noise gate. It is starting to get unpractical.
The solo feature of the "solo" head is useless as we all know, because you always have to adjust it when you change the overall volume so on gigs it's a pain in the rectum.
I thought of selling the amp and buying a MODERN amp instead but than there is that godly distorted meaty sound... I don't know.
@ 94Tremoverb: how exactly did you manage to bring the loop level down? Can you describe the mod please? Maybe I can find someone who'd do it. But I worry that the amp will not sound as good as before and the amp section will be even noisier than it is today... hmmmm...
Thanks for any suggestions
What I did was simply to add a resistor in series with the top connection of each channel master, the same value as the pot - I think 220K for the clean channel, 1Meg for the dirty channel. This halves the signal level at the FX loop and made it possible to get the MVs up far enough to sound good without overdriving the pedals (Boss DD-3 and DD-6). Whether that would be true for other delay pedals, I don't know. I did also convert the loop to series, and yes the Solo still worked fine!
I was thinking lately about changing the loop knob to a secondary master... Hmmm. The knob is not in use now because the loop is already in series. That way (I hope) I can set the preamp output to the desired level... The range could be from instrument level at 1 to line level at 10. What do you think of that? Any suggestions?
That should work fine. Just set it up as a normal volume control immediately before the Send jack - if you want a minimum setting (rather than zero) put a resistor between the counterclockwise terminal and ground - maybe 2K2ohms, but you might have to experiment.

I didn't have that option because I'd already used the Mix knob as a resonance control (for Modern mode, to cut down on the 'boom' when playing palm-muted chords).

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