Single Rec vs TSL 60

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user 17506

Dec 7, 2009
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Today I had the opportunity to compare my brand new Single Rec to a brand new TSL 60 and it was no contest. With the Rec's Output set at halfway and the channel volume about one or two in Vintage mode it sounded so loud and powerful but to get the same thing from the TSL I had to have the MV at three quarters and the volume about 4 or 5 in Crunch mode.
With the Rec I have plenty of room to move with volume but the TSL not so much.
That Single Rec is one loud 50 watter!
Yes they are. A lot of people contend that the TSL series is a little Buzzy/Fizzy compared to the DSL series. Marshall makes some series shortcuts - Poor Quality output and power trannies, no choke etc in order to keep costs low. Replace these things and they are much different amps.

Marshall also being adj. bias a lot of guys get them and do not bias them properly or know how. It's not hard but some people just don't take the time. Though I feel Mesa is biased a little cold for my taste, I hate the fact that I have to the DSL periodically. I've had my DS had it 2 years and I can tell when it has drifted slightly. Every Mesa I've ever owned has been very consistent.

I will say though that my DSL will hang output wise with any other 50w amp I've come across.
I don't know if just comparing how loud and amp can get is a good indication of how good it sounds. Both amps have some great sounds in them, but cover much different territory in my mind. I have a DSL 100 and dual rec, love them both - but for different reasons. I will agree about marshall cutting a few corners to keep costs down. I put a mercury magnetics output tranny in my DSL and it improved it a lot.
The TSL60 is the weakest sounding, thinnest sounding, worst sounding Marshall tube amp I can remember hearing. I tried one of the 1x12" combo versions once and it was so pathetically quiet and lacking in tone I thought it was broken. Apparently it wasn't. The TSL100 is a very different amp, and both DSL models even more so. Even the little DSL401 combo was better sounding. I don't know why they call the TSL a 60W amp since it seems to use the same power section as the DSL50, but doesn't even sound as loud let alone anywhere near as good.

Marshall do also cut a lot of corners on build quality compared to Mesa. You won't easily see it from the outside, but if you open one up and compare things like the pots, switches, board connectors and cables, some of the jacks (FX loop), even the quality of the boards themselves, you'll see the difference. Modern Marshalls are about on a par with Fender and Peavey for construction and tone... although Peaveys are more reliable in my experience.

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