Single Rec combo question

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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Columbus, Ohio
Currently I am running a Series 1 single rectifier combo tapped into a 2x12 rectifier ext cab. The manual is a little fuzzy on where to plug the ext cab into. Two quick questions...The second one in 3 parts :lol:

1) Currently I have both the ext cab and the combo speaker in 4ohm jacks, with the 8 ohm jack left open. Is this correct load?

2) I'm thinking about adding 2 V30 Celestians to the Combo enclosure. Will two fit? Worth it? How would the I hook everything up for the ohm load?

Looking for some Mesa vets that may provide some guidance. I am thinking of stepping up to a roadster combo down the road with the 2 x 12 cab. Worth it? Would it be like having a half stack? If you'll notice I stay with amps that offer the ability to play at 50 watts. I need something that breaks up at "bedroom" volume due to I like my wife and don't want her to through me out of the house over volume!

Thanks and I look forward to your reply.
1) Yes, but only if the extension is wired at 8ohms. If so, you're safe.

2) A vet opinion is needed, and I am not but ... IMHO it will take changing the baffle board, and that may introduce cab buzz if a tight seal is not formed while installing the replacement. 2 16ohms wired in parallel to one jack within the combo would be 8ohms, so you would still plug into the same jack as you would now running the single speaker.

If you plan to upgrade/change your amp, get a head. Most of the questions you have will be much easier to answer.
Thanks for the reply!

I verified yesterday that the 2 x 12 is wired for 8 ohms so I'm cool there.

If I wanted to install a single V30 is it as simple as just changing the speaker out?

To anyone else...
Head opposed to a combo huh? I thought the Roadster 2 x 12 combo, while heavy, might go nicely with the ext cab I have and essentially be a half stack. Might even have a slightly tighter sound.

I guess my main dilema is this...I like the Single Rec Combo but think there's a little more bite and umpf to the Dual or Triple recs. I have played through both. I have not played through a Roadster. I also like the idea of the 4 individual loops that the Roadster offers. I use very little effects now, mostly on the clean channel, and it would be nice to just step on the a channel switch and the effects go away. I don't have that luxury now.

Sorry this is wordy but I guess this is my question(s)... Does the Roadster match up at least to the Dual or Triple Recs. Is it more cost effective to go with a Dual or Triple rec and control the saturation for "bedroom" level with a hot plate or something like that? I've heard the 2 channel Dual and Triples have the better tone than the newer three channels; with the Roadster having 4 channels, would I be sacrificing tone? I do know that my series 1 Single Rec sounds better than a couple of the series 2 I've played.

I'm not planning on doing anything soon, I always like to look down the road.

In case anyone is wondering most of the stuff I play is stuff from the early 90's. Tool (if my little brother had his way we'd be a Tool cover band) Soundgarden (where is Kim Thayil these days) Rage Against the Machine (yes you can make a Mesa sound like a JCM 800 Marshall head) Alice in Chainsand Newer stuff like Incubus, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Deftones, and System of a Down.