silly amp to cab ohm question

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Mar 23, 2011
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On a Nomad 100, there are two 4ohm outputs, and in parenthesis it says something like 'for running two 8ohm cabs'.

This leads me to believe it may only be safe to use BOTH 4ohm outs and not just one. Is it safe to just use one of the 4ohm outs? Like hooking one 4ohm output to one four ohm cab and leaving the other 4ohm out empty?

The manual covers this topic to some degree, but still leaves me wondering if it is safe.


Page 17 of the manual:
"...If you wish to add cabinets to your combo or head - you may use
either one ( only ) 4 ohm cabinet on the 4 ohm jack leaving the 8 ohm
jack empty...
Seems clear to me.
These speaker outs are basically just one output with two parallel wired jacks.
You can plug in one 4Ohm Cab and leave one out empty.
You can plug in one 8Ohm Cab in each jack. (Two 8Ohm Impendances in Parallel = 4 Ohm)
You can daisy chain two 8Ohm cabs (Parallel=4Ohm) and plug them into one of the 4Ohm outs. Leave the other one empty.

Just checked back on the manual online and the Nomad Manual has two errors in the pictures that explain the possible connections. Pages 36 and on. In pic No. 2 the speaker is not marked and No. 11 should read SAFE MISMATCH. This section of the manual is the same for all Mesas and they fixed it on the transatlantic.
@hback, thanks, I was using the pictures as the 'Speakers' part of the manual did not seem clear to me. They do not show a single 4ohm tap to 4ohm cab connection in the pictures. I trust you though that it is safe and I will proceed doing it that way then.

@MrMarkIII, actually I don't think it is clear at all, when you look in the entire context of the paragraph you listed, right above what you posted says "if you wish to ADD cabinets to your combo or head blah blah blah", which made me believe they were instructing on how to add additional cabinets to your head once one was already hooked up.
It is just a strange way to word it, "If you wish to add cabinets", because a head is kind of useless without one, so I got confused and resorted to the pictures to confirm and the pics do not show the config I was looking for as a safe one.