Signal routers for triaxis

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
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at the grid between anode-cathode
Hello I´m doing my own pedalboard and I want to programate my presets of the triaxis with the pedals, for example I want to triaxis manage the diferent presets with diferents pedals, and they in and out on the signal as I´m changing the presets.
So I think that maybe I could do it with the 4 external switches, I could program the four switches to be on and off as I want on each preset.
Then I want that the 4 external switches governs any other external hardware like a signal router where I have connected the pedals and with the signals of the switches I govern with only one midi pedalboard when the pedals are active or inactive into the signal path.
So I see that product
could I govern it with midi instrucctions or just with the 4 external switches???'
Maybe it is a paranoid of mine but I think that with the 4 external relays we can do more things that just plug into the 2:90
Any ideas???
The GCX switcher is the one I use with my TriAxis rig along with it's mate the Ground Control Pro. These two units completely changed and simplified the way my rig sounds and functions. In case you didn't see here's the Ground Control Pro:
I don´t have enough money so I will get my classical midi pedalboard
The question is that I need a router controlled by the 4 switch relays of the triaxis, is that gcx controlled by midi and external relays, or could I do a midi remapping to avoid use the external relays????
fatboy135 said:
I don´t have enough money so I will get my classical midi pedalboard
The question is that I need a router controlled by the 4 switch relays of the triaxis, is that gcx controlled by midi and external relays, or could I do a midi remapping to avoid use the external relays????
The best way to find out if it will do what you want is to download the manual using the the link at the bottom of the page in your link. I can tell you however the GCX is controlled by a midi control unit. You can't control it with the TriAxis, instead you control both TriAxis and the GCX with a midi controller such as the Ground Control Pro.
so I get I little sight into the pdf manual, so the matter is to buy the two things isn´t it???
and then I could assign for example a stompbox of the gcpro to change the preset on the triaxis and relay the pedals I want????????
and with only one stompbox it do all that things?????? :shock:
The GC Pro is the heart of the system. Using midi it controls the TriAxis and it controls the GCX which switches the stompboxes in and out of the signal chain. Both the midi switching and efx on and off are all done on the GC Pro. The GCX is just the interface that allows the stompboxes to be controlled by the GC Pro.
that sounds amazing but... is there any midi thru or how did you separe the messages that controlls the triaxis that messages that goes to the gcx to relay the pedals???
or maybe you are programming patches for example the patch #1 sends a midi message to triaxis to change to the five preset and there is also send another message to relay the pedals on gcx that you wants to run with the preset 5???? so you program one patch and when you select the stompbox itselfs does all that things???
On that saturday I will go to see a friend of mine rig with that voodoo lab, I want to test it at all :wink:
Each midi device is assigned a channel 1-16. The GC Pro "speaks" to each device on it's own channel. The GCX will be on one channel, the TriAxis another and so on.
this sounds amazing isn´t it???' so I could do patches on the gcpro for example when I push one stompbox on the gcpro the triaxis jump into another preset and the pedals become to relay as I programed for that triaxis presets????????????
so that machine is marvelous isn´t it???' I think on this weekend I will spend a few hours with my friend

See the GRX4

Put this on your pedal board. If your MIDI footswitch can send two program change messages at once, each on a different MIDI channel, then set the Triaxis to CH 1, and the GRX4 to CH 2. Then you can control each to go to a different preset with each patch on your footswitch.

If your footswitch can only send one PC message per patch, then you can probably use CC messages or MIDI mapping to do the job, but you will have to dive into the Triaxis, footswitch, and GRX4 manuals to make sure.