Should the tone controls add noise?

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
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If I turn any of the tone controls on the amp past 12 o'clock it introduces a lot more hiss/noise. Is this normal? I have a 2x12 combo. Thanks.
polishcomedy said:
If I turn any of the tone controls on the amp past 12 o'clock it introduces a lot more hiss/noise. Is this normal? I have a 2x12 combo. Thanks.

Totally normal depending on the room and the guitar
Do have a lot of stuff running into the front end of the amp or in the loop?
Technically, no. Assuming that you have diagnosed this without anything hooked up in front and nothing in the loop/bypassed loop?
I dragged my amp into another room and first tried straight in with the loop off. Then with the pedals hooked up on loop on. I think the main problem was being near my computer, which seems to add a lot of noise. I don't understand because I have my guitars shielded and potted, and I plug the pedals and amp into a Furman noise canceling power conditioner. I even still get RF through the amp sometimes, which the Furman is supposed to kill. Even when I plugged the amp in the other room when I was too close to electronics like the TV and stereo I picked up noise. wtf? Also, this has been a kind of long-time problem, but I get small amounts of static with the guitar plugged in and the volume up. It kind of sounds like a fireplace. I get it using all channels, loop on and off, using different guitars, and out of different outlets. I had the amp recently serviced and all tubes changed out. The guy said he didn't get the static problem where he was. I'm at a loss.