set up rockton hush c with mark 4 help

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I'm not 100% sure, but I seem to recall being told that HUSH did not play nice w/a parallel loop.
Put the hush right after the guitar this is where it will be the most effective. The idea is to cut the noise at the source. To put it in a loop will just frustrate you, when you change a channel it will react very different with the Hush, it would most likely gate your r1 too much and not enough for R3. (Depends how you set up your amp but you see what I’m getting at).

I recommend for setting it up, kick on your direst channel (leave hush off for now) go to the nosiest pickup select on your guitar (gonna be a little noise for now) then turn the volume down all the way on the guitar, Kinda make a mental note of the ambient noise that’s left coming out the speakers. Next kick the guitar volume back up aaahhh lots of noise again, engage the hush. And start tweaking till you basically get the same ambient hiss that you had when you had the guitar volume all the way down.

This should put you in the ballpark very quickly you will still find yourself tweaking a bit.
You might try different preamp tubes too.

I run both of my gains up at about 8 or 9 on the Lead channel and it is really quiet when I'm not playing.

It came with Russian 2 Mesa preamp tubes in it, except for the PI which is a Groove Tube chinese tube.

It's dead silent. I just started using it last week and my drummer couldn't get over how quiet it was.

I had the Lead Master on 3, and the Output on 4, Pentode, Simul, and Tweed Power.
i still get white noise if you call it, when gate is on the volume turned off, still there tho, but i get no feed back now, i use 9 and 8 as well but on full power.
well if its a lot of white noise with the volume on your guitar off, there might be a problem. running my guitar straight into the IV on lead i get a lot of white noise as you call it, but with the volume all the way down on my guitar i have no noise at all. of course theres the fan and maybe some slight crackling but nothing you would complain about.
If you are getting what you consider too much noise with the guitar volume all the down (leave the hush out for now) you may have other issues like preamp tubes as Monsta-Tone has already said, but it also sounds like you are running your gains hot (not saying you can’t) but you will be more susceptible to interference from, florescent lighting, radio signals bad grounds, dirty power ya-da ya-da ya-da and so on. Just keep that in mind.

As far as you not getting feedback anymore with Hush on your threshold is too high. Most noise ruction units have two basic controls “decay” & “threshold” do yourself a favor keep the decay down to 0 and just work with the threshold. It’s a bit of a balancing act! Years ago I had a rather large rack and deemed it necessary to use multistage noise reduction one right after the guitar and the other right after the preamp but this one was programmable, so when I changed channels the one after the preamp would change accordingly. This was a extreme case and not recommended.

The hardest part is knowing when to back off the threshold. As of now I only use a unit right after the guitar. (I have a Boss NS-1 &NS-2) these are my favorites I feel IMHO they color less than other units that I have owned. BTW I also have a Mark IV

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