SD-1 for Dual Rec.

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Will using an SD-1 smooth out the gain on a dual rec? Has anyone done this? I dont want more gain or to change the tone I just want to shape it some. Is it true that by keeping the drive very low and using the tone and level gives you some control? can anyone elaborate this abit for me?

I have had good results adding any "clean" boost in front of my rectifier. Right now I'm using a Rat and a TS9. I set the drive low and the level high and set the tone control to a nuetral position. The Rat smooths out the distortion and the TS9 adds punch. I don't run them at the same time, but use them for a couple more options.

I have tried an SD-1 and it works too, but I found the TS9 colors the tone less when bypassed. I think the key is dialing in a sound you like on the amp first, then use the pedal for slight tone shapping.
The SD-1 will work just fine as a clean boost on your Recto. Just shut the gain all the way off on it, put the output between 12 noon and max, and then keep the tone control at a very low setting, around 9 - 12 o'clock or the like to taste. Anything much higher and the SD-1 will start adding some brittle overtones to your sound.
Please explain "smoothing out the gain"? I don't see how adding an overdrive or distortion device to the signal would smooth out the gain, rather, the opposite! And it does'nt sound like pau_leader is looking for a signal boost either! Maybe a compressor to even things out and tighten up the signal is what he's looking for?
jbird said:
Please explain "smoothing out the gain"? I don't see how adding an overdrive or distortion device to the signal would smooth out the gain, rather, the opposite! And it does'nt sound like pau_leader is looking for a signal boost either! Maybe a compressor to even things out and tighten up the signal is what he's looking for?

That's what a clean boost will will compress the signal some and drive the preamp harder at input to tighten the sound and smooth it out. The gain on the pedals are set to "0" for this function.
I use a spinamoded SD-1 in front of my dual rect.

smartest thing ive ever done..

Very smooth, very liquid..
Works great for me. I use a MXR ZW Overdrive and it's great for tightening things up. Makes my palm mutes sound tighter and crisper. I run it like this...

Level -3:00
Tone - 10:30
Gain - off

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