Santana 'Europa' Clean Tone

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Feb 3, 2009
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Okay before I ask this... I cannot afford a Dumble Super Overdrive (or a Mark I for that matter) so I have to make do with what I have ! :? (I could always sell my house, my car, my girlfriend and my daughter to make a down payment on a Dumble !!!! £30,000...fer a frikkin amp?)

As a solo singer / guitarist who plays small pubs, I wanna add an instrumental to my repertoire (to give my voice a rest from Foo Fighters and AC/DC covers!!.. Gives the punters a chance to get another beer I suppose!) And by far my favourite instrumental cover is 'Europa' by Santana, who is, IMHO, the finest sounding guitar player in the Universe.

I reckon I am quite close with my PRS through my MESA Dual Rec w/Turbo Tubescreamer (hell I can even get close through my Line 6 Spider..LOL!) for the really smoothie, thick and creamy distorted sound. Jus' crack it through the neck P/U, roll back the tone pod and play like you got Salma Hayek and Megan Fox dancing naked on your fretboard.... AAAAHHHHHHH!!

Sorry was I saying something?

Oh... Yeah! But half way through the song it goes really sweet, the gain drops off and Carlos starts playing like a Angelic Choir... What is that sound????????

At first I was guessing that it was a light tremolo effect, but the big man doesn't use any kind of effect like that (according to his website, anyway) just delay, wah and Tubescreamer...

So please, any ideas from you tone geniuses out there? 'Cuz I am stumped !

Pretty sure that's a real Leslie, or a chorus pedal with the speed turned up to sound like a Leslie. Real Leslies tend to sound real mid-rangey like the record. :D

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