Running an OCD with 18v power supply

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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Has any tried using an 18v power supply with their OCD? Just curious how it sounds.
jhguitar1 said:
Has any tried using an 18v power supply with their OCD? Just curious how it sounds.

I tried to find an 18V power supply on Fulltone's web site and they don't even mention one. Makes me wonder. I'm running mine with 9V out of my Voodoo Lab PP2 and I like it just fine as is.
Fulltone recommended the Dunlop ECB-04 Barrel 18v adaptor. You can buy it from Musicians Friend for $18. I am very curious to know what difference it makes, but I don't know if I am going to get it. Can it really make that much of a difference? Plus it would be one more thing to plug in.
I'd say wait a while and your curiosity will pass. Mine did. If you don't know what you're missing then you won't miss it. Seriously, I really can't see there being that much of a difference.
I tried it last night for the first time using a special adapter from the pedal power 2 ....sounds even better than at 9 volts....specifically it has more clarity / harmonic response and better head room for volume riding on the guitar.

I was a/bing quickly by going from fresh battery to plug at 18 volts and to my ears ...18 volts is a keeper setting. Everyone who has an OCD should at least try it.

Think of it like a mini version of going from a 50 watt amp to a 100 watt amp ...slight volume boost more headroom...more punch.
I've tried it. The difference is like similar to going from a DR to a TR. Or kinda like going from Spongy/Recto to Bold/Diodes.
I tried it with two 9v batteries. It was a subtle difference though it wasn't worth the trouble considering that I use a simple pedal board with a One Spot adapter.

I later sold the OCD because my home built Rat clone with the Ruetz mod kept kicking it's a$$ (besides, I like the tone and simplicity of using my Express 5:50's Blue mode better than either pedal)!
Dusty Rhodes said:
I'd say wait a while and your curiosity will pass. Mine did. If you don't know what you're missing then you won't miss it.

Haha, the entire gear industry would fold up if everybody followed this advice.

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