ruby tubes in a single rec "series 1"

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Active member
Oct 19, 2006
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hey guys

I have recently changed the valves in my single rec "series 1" head. I have put in some Ruby Tubes 6L6 Matched Pair valves.

Are these ok to use?

I phoned up Mesa tech support and they recommended taking them out and using the Mesa valves as the bias mite not be set to the Mesa head?

Anyone confirm this for me?

Where did you buy them?

If it was a tube distrubutor that sold them in the correct bias range for your Mesa, it'll be fine!
As far as I know GAK do not test their tubes, they just buy them in and therefore they may not be in the right bias range for your Mesa. This doesn't neccasarily mean it will damage the amp but it might not sound as good as it would if they were in the correct range.
so basically its probably better to stick to the Mesa's own tubes to be on the safe side?

also can the different makes of tubes effect the sound of output?? i.e. add more bass, make the speakers woof when cranked??