the Ruby 6L6GC MSTR is the same tube Mesa uses as the STR440. One note, I like the MSTR just a little be more in the Mark V. I also tried them out in the Roadster and they sounded about the same. I have a quad of them which have been resident in the Mark V for a while.
As for the BSTR, I only can relate to the version sold under the preferred series from the tube store. Made by same company but may have been selected differently due to sorting methods. The preferred series sounded a bit brighter in tone, similar to the 6L6GC =C= but seemed to lack that 3D gain effect that I was a staple character of that tube, TAD 6L6GC-STR has a similar effect like the =C= but darker in tonal range, almost sinister when you get them selected for the amp you intend to use them in. I preferred the Stock Mesa tube in the Roadster over the others, it really is a subjective thing sometimes. However, the TAD 6L6GC-STR ( after they had 8 months of use in the Mark V ) still sounded killer in the Roadster. Simialr to the SED =C= tone I got from the amp, probably do to the difference in bias on the Roadster vs the Mark V. Tung Sol 7581 was also a great tube too.
I do not have the BSTR Ruby tube to compare.