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Jul 2, 2008
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I have recently bought the RRII, and absolutely love it. I have a question though. Do you guys use the Output knob to push the amps volume, and keep the individual channel master volumes low?
I have had 2 or 3 different Mesa power amps, and I know you always pushed the main output 100%, and used your pre-amp or processors to control your volume.

I have my output at about 12 o'clock, and just adjust each channels volume throught that channels master volume.....

what do you think?
I assume by RRII you mean RKII, as in Road King II?

You don't have to push the power amp to 100%... it may not yield good results, especially if you aren't also running the pre-amp at 100%.

I usually run my power output at about 30-50%, or 9 to 12o'clock. From there, I use the channel volumes to control it, yeah. The loudest I usually play is 12 o'clock on both, that gets you some nice juicy classic Recto distortion.
Another trick to try for high-gain (ch3 & 4) stuff is this:

After you turn your amp on from standby, turn all the volumes to 0. Then play a note, you should still hear it faintly, very treble-y, coming from the speakers. Slowly turn master output up until the point where the note fades completely or almost completely. Leave it there, then turn up your channel volume to about 9o'clock. For whatever reason, I always yield pretty good tones from this method if I'm playing at less than ear-shredding volumes.
I have always bypassed my loops which only gives me one volume control, i use each channels master and that is it. The master amp and solo controls i keep bypassed. I dont use the effects loops so i keep it completely out of the chain.