Hey everyone, Im new to this board so hello to everyone!
Im a Mesa Rocket 440 combo amp owner and I love the amp but I hate the footswitch! Its a 5 pin din connector switch, not your normal fare. You can see it here:
My prob is that the housing of the switch is such that my foot hits the plastic on the pedal before it hits the switch making the switch cumbersome at best.
I wanted to change it to something less obtrusive like this:
But that doesnt have the right connection for my amp(5 pin din)
In turn, All I want to be able to switch is Clean to Dirty- if I can switch the contour channel-bonus-if not, I never use it anyhow!
Does anyone know where I can get such a swicth that would work with my amp? Doesnt have to be Mesa made! Ive already called Mesa and they say that they dont make anyting else for it. Help anyone?
Im a Mesa Rocket 440 combo amp owner and I love the amp but I hate the footswitch! Its a 5 pin din connector switch, not your normal fare. You can see it here:
My prob is that the housing of the switch is such that my foot hits the plastic on the pedal before it hits the switch making the switch cumbersome at best.
I wanted to change it to something less obtrusive like this:
But that doesnt have the right connection for my amp(5 pin din)
In turn, All I want to be able to switch is Clean to Dirty- if I can switch the contour channel-bonus-if not, I never use it anyhow!
Does anyone know where I can get such a swicth that would work with my amp? Doesnt have to be Mesa made! Ive already called Mesa and they say that they dont make anyting else for it. Help anyone?