Roadster users, can you please answer this for me?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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Try this is you can. I used to turn up my output to 2 o'clock, then tweak the individual channel's master volume for bedroom playing -- this way I could get some good crunchy tube distortion at low volumes for home playing. Anyways, I have not done that with my Roadster in quite some time. But, recently I tried to do this again and all I got was awful, awful hiss, buzzy, and hum through my loud speakers. I switched output tubes, preamp tubes, and it still sounds terrible. The amp just seems very noisy now. Does this happen to any of you? Could you try this out and get back to me? Thank you.

If I even bring my output to 11' o clock with the master volume barely on in channel 1 I get hum/buzzy noise. What the hey! I don't ever remember the Roadster being this noisy. It's been awhile since I've played it, but this seems ridiculous. I even bought a new speaker cable and allowed some commission hungry GC employee talk me into buying a $50 1/4" cable!

No responses yet? Geez, don't be bashful people, I know there are other Roadster owners out there. Lend me your time and you ears.
budlovesaly said:
Try this is you can. I used to turn up my output to 2 o'clock, then tweak the individual channel's master volume for bedroom playing -- this way I could get some good crunchy tube distortion at low volumes for home playing....I tried to do this again and all I got was awful, awful hiss, buzzy, and hum through my loud speakers. I switched output tubes, preamp tubes, and it still sounds terrible. The amp just seems very noisy now. Does this happen to any of you? Could you try this out and get back to me? Thank you.

If I even bring my output to 11' o clock with the master volume barely on in channel 1 I get hum/buzzy noise. What the hey! I don't ever remember the Roadster being this noisy. It's been awhile since I've played it, but this seems ridiculous. I even bought a new speaker cable and allowed some commission hungry GC employee talk me into buying a $50 1/4" cable!

Turning the Output up that high is no doubt bound to cause some noise. You should not have to turn it up anywhere near that to get "good" crunchy sounds. I would not consider that "bedroom level" no matter how low you are putting the Master (I play mine in a bedroom also, but with the Loop off and Master only about 8-9 o'clock).

This would also mean that you have your FX loop engaged...anything running through it that might be adding to the noise? If not, try switching the loop off on the back of the amp and running it "direct". Then use the Master instead of the Output knob. Try all the channels, all the switches, both Rectifier settings, etc. If you still get the noise, I would say you might have tube problems.

Speaking of which, did you swap the tubes with the existing ones, or replace them with new ones? I suggest trying at least 1 new tube. I had a noise problem with the amp which eventurally died on me. Replacing V1 made it sound like a brand new amp.

A good speaker cable is a must, but should not cost $50, at least in my opinion. There are a lot of debates on what kind you should get, but any new and decent one should be enough. Use the shortest cable possible.

One last thought....could it be the guitar itself? Any preamp battery or anything? What about the cable going between the guitar and the amp?
Thanks for the reply. I did switch out the V1 with a SPAX7. And I have tried to disengage the loop. I get a ton of noise on channel 1 with the volume at 11 o'clock. Do you on your Roadster? I have tried both of my Strats (HSS), and have the same results. One of my Strats is an American Deluxe, which is fitted with Samarium Cobalt Noiseless pickups. Something is definitely not right. I am still leaving the possibility that somehow this amp is supposed to be this noisy. Should I record my findings and post the video on YouTube to view? Maybe that would help you, help me. Thursday I am completely free and plan on taking it to a tech. But if I can figure it out before then, it would be great. I have a show at the Middle East this Friday, so I don't want to be left using my backup amp -- a B52 AT 100! Awful tone from that thing!

Like I said before, I switched out V1, V2, and V3. I switched around some tubes in V5 and V6, doing the "one at a time" thing with a new tube. No change. Anyways, what would a blown rectifier tube do? Also, there is a weird noise that is happening within my amp when I turn it on. It is like a real quiet spinning sound, like the spinning of a disc in a laptop or something. The noise is very, very quiet, but not original to the amp. This past month has been hell with this amp since firing it back up. Before that, it was a month since I had played it last.

Also, why does my amp pickup radio stations? That is something that has happened since I bought it That actually doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but maybe it is, no?
No, my Ch1 is pretty quiet. Of course, I am not setting it as high as you are.

I don't recommend posting to YouTube only because the sound quality just isn't there to try and diagnose something like this. Something like a seriously loud hum would though (or something else blatant like that).

It sounds more to me that you are getting some radio interference. Or, are you sitting really close to the amp with the guitar very close to the head? Near a computer monitor? Too close to the computer or laptop? That will easily pick up some noise, especially on the Distortion channels. You also say you have the HSS setup -- does it do it on the humbucker, single coils, or any of them?

Try unplugging the guitar totally from the amp and see if you still get the noise. If not, the guitar is probably picking up something. Check the cable between the guitar and the amp -- if you have it coiled up, it will pick up a radio nearby fairly easily.

I am no tube amp expert, but if I am not mistaken (someone else here please correct me if I am wrong) a blown rectifier tube would not let the amp play at all, even if set on silicon dioide. Do a search on this site, I know for sure that was discussed a few months ago.

One other idea: take the amp into a completely different room and see if you still get the same problem. Might be grounding, you might need a Furman or Monster rack to plug into for a "cleaner" power source ( I would recommend something like that regardless).

If all else fails, let the tech inspect it.
fjk1138 said:
No, my Ch1 is pretty quiet. Of course, I am not setting it as high as you are.

I don't recommend posting to YouTube only because the sound quality just isn't there to try and diagnose something like this. Something like a seriously loud hum would though (or something else blatant like that).

It sounds more to me that you are getting some radio interference. Or, are you sitting really close to the amp with the guitar very close to the head? Near a computer monitor? Too close to the computer or laptop? That will easily pick up some noise, especially on the Distortion channels. You also say you have the HSS setup -- does it do it on the humbucker, single coils, or any of them?

Try unplugging the guitar totally from the amp and see if you still get the noise. If not, the guitar is probably picking up something. Check the cable between the guitar and the amp -- if you have it coiled up, it will pick up a radio nearby fairly easily.

I am no tube amp expert, but if I am not mistaken (someone else here please correct me if I am wrong) a blown rectifier tube would not let the amp play at all, even if set on silicon dioide. Do a search on this site, I know for sure that was discussed a few months ago.

One other idea: take the amp into a completely different room and see if you still get the same problem. Might be grounding, you might need a Furman or Monster rack to plug into for a "cleaner" power source ( I would recommend something like that regardless).

If all else fails, let the tech inspect it.

Do Furmans help that much? It happens with the humbucker, which is surprising. So, radio interference is maybe what is causing all of this. I do have my laptop near it, but unplugged. Could that still cause it? Also, I do notice that my 50" TV causes a strange insect sound in the amp, but otherwise, when I unplug it, it goes away. I think I may just take it to a tech to be safe.

It still gets very noisy on channel 1 without the guitar plugged in, and when I switch the channels, it is still the same. With the loop disengaged, if I have the master at 11 o clock it begins to get incredibly noisy. Like a drone or hum.

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.
budlovesaly said:
Do Furmans help that much? It happens with the humbucker, which is surprising. So, radio interference is maybe what is causing all of this. I do have my laptop near it, but unplugged. Could that still cause it? Also, I do notice that my 50" TV causes a strange insect sound in the amp, but otherwise, when I unplug it, it goes away. I think I may just take it to a tech to be safe.

It still gets very noisy on channel 1 without the guitar plugged in, and when I switch the channels, it is still the same. With the loop disengaged, if I have the master at 11 o clock it begins to get incredibly noisy. Like a drone or hum.

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.

No problem, that what these forums are for!

I have a Furman on my PC/recording setup, and a Monster power rack on the Mesa and my Keyboard setup. After having some near heart attacks with power dips, outtages, and overall line interference in the past, I will always use them (something like them) on my gear. You work too hard and pay a lot of money for your gear not to protect it, is how I see it.

I highly recommend that you have the tech check it out. Let a pro give it a once over and see if there is something else that we are missing.
Without seeing your whole room setup, etc. my instincts still tell me you are picking up some kind of interference, though your Ch 1 sounds somewhat suspicious.

OK wait one last thought -- try the other amp in same room -- same noise problem?

No matter what, please post after you take it to the tech and let us know what happened, I would be really curious what the diagnosis is.

Good luck!
I will! You are one of the most helpful people on here -- you and Laskeyman! Thanks!

Thursday I'll be taking her in for a checkup. Hopefully it'll be problem solved. I have a show at the Middle East Club Friday!