Roadster "Recto-Tracking" Delimma

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Guys...Im not a roadster owner nor do I have any intention to get one as I am happy with my Triple. It intrigued me to know wether this was true about the Tube Rectifier option on the back of the Roadster's so I started going through the manual that they offer on the website and low and behold it does say that when switching between channels the power preferance selection is sensed and then it ultimatly selects Tube Rectifiers for the 50 watt mode and Solid State for the 100 watt mode. I am disapointed in this but...I wonder what their reasoning was?? Check it out for yourself:

I always did get the Idea from the roadster that it was a little more on the clean side focus than I wanted to be. Thats why I decided to stay with my triple which is just made for balls to the wall. Mesa has always been about versatility and it blows my mind to think that they would spare you this option........
:D :D :D

Here is the response from Jay at the Mesa Hollywood store:

"Hey Andy.
The manual seems like it is incorrect, as if they cut and pasted that portion from the Lonestar manual, because that's exactly what the Lonestar does....defaults to the diode rectifier when you go to 100 watts.
You are correct on the Roadster however, since there are 2 rectifier tubes, you are still running tube rectifers when you are on the 100 watt setting and the tube rectifier setting. You'll probably notice it more on the overdrive channels than on the clean channels, but when you are playing on the 100watt mode and you switch from the tube to the diode rectifer, you can actually hear the difference.
Sorry about the confusion.....I'll let the guys at the factory know their error.
Thanks for the heads up!"

Jay Hood
Mesa/Boogie Hollywood
7426 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90046
Tel: 323-883-9090
Fax: 323-883-9099

Jay has always been helpful. It seems that it is just a typo, although it does answer the question about the Lonestar too.

As for being more on the Clean side, Channels 1 & 2 are super clean with nice bluesy breakup, but Channels 3 & 4 are downright sick. I would say that they have just as much Gain as both of my Dual Rectos did.
Nice hunting Monsta--that Idea didnt seem like Mesa @ all to restrict anyone from doing something like that which could ultimatly could be "their" tone!! :wink:
Thanks Monsta-Tone,

that explains everything from Boogiemon's claiming his LoneStar Classic only has one rectifier tube and the excerts was "copy" from LoneStar Classic and paste to the Roadstar's manual.
I have not read all the posts here, but when i have 100 watts/Tube rectifier set on my Roadster, bit rectifier tubes are lit up and cranking hot!!
