Roadster "Recto-Tracking" Delimma

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Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
Here is what the manual has to say about the "Recto-Tracking."

This seems like total BS to me. I'm going to be really bummed if I can't get 100 watts of Tube Rectification.

RECTIFIER SELECT with TUBE-TRACKING: This two position toggle selects the type of rectifi er, Silicon Diodes or Tube, which
converts the voltage from AC to DC for the power supply. The Roadster
incorporates a further improved version of our patented Switchable Rectifi er feature fi rst seen on the Dual and Triple Rectifi er SOLO heads. It incorporates a Rectifi er Tracking™ feature that
insures proper voltage is present at all times and improves reliability. This switch operates in tandem with the individual Channel
Power Select (50/100) switch located in each Channel Strip.
The Rectifi er Tracking feature monitors the Channels, determines their power status and automatically selects the proper rectifi er
type - which ultimately assures the best sound. This provides optimization of the power settings, delivering a magical tube-rectifi ed
power-sag vibe for the channel set to 50 watts - and a tighter, bolder 100 watts of diode-rectifi ed authority for the channel set to full
power. Here is an explanation of how the two choices work;
DIODE: Calls up the silicon diode rectifi er, which offers more punch, a tighter attack with more brightness and substantially more
headroom. This rectifi er choice provides the highest power and therefor the tightest rectifi cation. This setting would be best for any
application where maximum headroom is needed or tight bass response is called for. Situations that usually require this are clean
rhythm playing or extreme high gain crunch rhythm sounds.
RECTO TUBE-TRACKING: Engages the 5U4 rectifi er tube automatically whenever the 50 watt selection is made via a Channel
Power Select switch. When switching channels - if the Channel Power Select is set to 100 watts, the Diodes are automatically
engaged to insure proper matching to the added load on the supply. This innovative feature allows you to tune each channel for the
ultimate power expression and feel.
When I talked to the guy yesterday, I asked him if it was related to any warranty issues from the past, he said no. In the manual, they mention that they do this to provide better reliabillity.

If it never failed, how would they know it was unreliable?

If this is truly the case, I'm modding it. **** the warranty. I didn't buy it because I wanted to use Diode Rectifiers at 100 watts. If I wanted that, I would have kept the Soldano that I just sold.
H_LL, when I bought my roadster, I thought it was basically a Road King minus progressive linkage. The RK definately has 100-watt tube rectification.

this excerpt is from the Mesa website:

"This all-tube thoroughbred shares a class with only one other amplifier - and that position is held by its brother – the mighty Road King™. In fact, the Roadster is a Road King without Progressive Linkage™ and other rear panel features that some players fear need a higher education to navigate."

I guess the "other rear panel features" included 100-watt/tube rectification
not sure about this, but i think that you'll need two rectifier tubes to get 100w

My LSC which has this same "tracking" has only one.

I've noticed that the triple rectifiers seem to have three.
boogiemon said:
not sure about this, but i think that you'll need two rectifier tubes to get 100w

My LSC which has this same "tracking" has only one.

I've noticed that the triple rectifiers seem to have three.

The roadster DOES have two rectifier tubes...that is what makes the statement from the manual so odd. :?
boogiemon said:
not sure about this, but i think that you'll need two rectifier tubes to get 100w

My LSC which has this same "tracking" has only one.

I've noticed that the triple rectifiers seem to have three.
boogiemon, could you check your LSC and see if you have a pair of 5U4s tubes. I'm pretty sure you do. But you mentioned "My LSC which has this same 'tracking' has only one." One rectifier tube? Not sure what you mean.

I'm getting more confuse with this discussion on the Roadster.
i'm certain that i have only one rectifier tube.

the product photo on the boogie web site shows five large-ish tube:
4x6l6 + 1 rectifier.
I'm pretty sure you get tube rectification in 100W mode for two reasons...
A) there are two rectifier tubes, B) the website states Selecting TUBE RECTIFIER TRACKING brings on-line one 5U4 when in 50 watts and two 5U4s when 100 watts is simply tracks whether you are in 50 or 100 watt mode, and includes one or both tubes in the circuit diode mode it doesn't matter. I think the manual is in error...
BrokenRomeo said:
I'm pretty sure you get tube rectification in 100W mode for two reasons...
A) there are two rectifier tubes, B) the website states Selecting TUBE RECTIFIER TRACKING brings on-line one 5U4 when in 50 watts and two 5U4s when 100 watts is simply tracks whether you are in 50 or 100 watt mode, and includes one or both tubes in the circuit diode mode it doesn't matter. I think the manual is in error...

That is what I thought based on switching the 100-watt settings from diodes to rectifier tracking while listening to the volume, tone, etc.! :D And you are correct! The statement is right there on the roadster page on at the Mesa web site here:

Good Catch! Thanks
To have a clear answer to this question we could look to the electrical schematics of the roadster.

I could have a look to check if the Tube rectifiers are used un 100W mode.

Schematics for Dual rectifiers are easy to find on the web but I don’t find them for the Roadster.

Does somone has the electrical schematics of the roadster?

If you find or have them post them!
This is directly from the website:

"Add to this power shaping magic our patented Tube Rectifier Tracking feature. Each channel features the ability to choose between the saggy bounce of the 5U4 Rectifier Tubes or the tight, bold authority of the Silicon Diodes. Selecting TUBE RECTIFIER TRACKING brings on-line one 5U4 when in 50 watts and two 5U4s when 100 watts is selected."

I would tend to think that this is more likely. I can't immagine Mesa making a Dual Rectifier type amp and eliminating one of the most popular settings.

The guy on the phone was completely un-helpful though. He told me exactly what the manual states.

As for the LoneStar, is it a GZ34 or a 5U4 Rectifier? I just sold my Heartbreaker which had a GZ34 in it. Some older 100 watt Fenders had the GZ as well. It should be able to handle the current with no problems.

I'm calling today to finish paying for mine. It should be here by this time next week. :D
Here is the email that I just sent to the Hollywood store. They are much better at getting back to me than the factory.


I just bought the Roadster 2x12 combo and there seems to be a discrepancy between the manual, and the Mesa website.

Here is what the Manual says:

"RECTIFIER SELECT with TUBE-TRACKING: This two position toggle selects the type of rectifier, Silicon Diodes or Tube, which
converts the voltage from AC to DC for the power supply. The Roadster
incorporates a further improved version of our patented Switchable Rectifier feature first seen on the Dual and Triple Rectifier SOLO heads. It incorporates a Rectifier Tracking™ feature that
insures proper voltage is present at all times and improves reliability. This switch operates in tandem with the individual Channel
Power Select (50/100) switch located in each Channel Strip.
The Rectifier Tracking feature monitors the Channels, determines their power status and automatically selects the proper rectifier
type - which ultimately assures the best sound. This provides optimization of the power settings, delivering a magical tube-rectified
power-sag vibe for the channel set to 50 watts - and a tighter, bolder 100 watts of diode-rectified authority for the channel set to full
power. Here is an explanation of how the two choices work;
DIODE: Calls up the silicon diode rectifier, which offers more punch, a tighter attack with more brightness and substantially more
headroom. This rectifier choice provides the highest power and therefor the tightest rectification. This setting would be best for any
application where maximum headroom is needed or tight bass response is called for. Situations that usually require this are clean
rhythm playing or extreme high gain crunch rhythm sounds.
RECTO TUBE-TRACKING: Engages the 5U4 rectifier tube automatically whenever the 50 watt selection is made via a Channel
Power Select switch. When switching channels - if the Channel Power Select is set to 100 watts, the Diodes are automatically
engaged to insure proper matching to the added load on the supply. This innovative feature allows you to tune each channel for the
ultimate power expression and feel."

Here is what the website says:

Add to this power shaping magic our patented Tube Rectifier Tracking feature. Each channel features the ability to choose between the saggy bounce of the 5U4 Rectifier Tubes or the tight, bold authority of the Silicon Diodes. Selecting TUBE RECTIFIER TRACKING brings on-line one 5U4 when in 50 watts and two 5U4s when 100 watts is selected.

This is a bit confusing to me, since there are 2 Tube Rectifiers and not just 1 as the manual would suggest is needed. Can you please shed some light on this subject? I really like the amp, but if there is no way to use Tube Rectifiers in the 100 watt setting, I don't want it, or I will modify it so that I have Tubes in the 100 watt settings.

This is my 6th Mesa that I own. I have also bought a blemished Mark IV head from your store. Please do not disregaurd this email.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Andy Turner
RR said:
boogiemon said:
not sure about this, but i think that you'll need two rectifier tubes to get 100w

My LSC which has this same "tracking" has only one.

I've noticed that the triple rectifiers seem to have three.
boogiemon, could you check your LSC and see if you have a pair of 5U4s tubes. I'm pretty sure you do. But you mentioned "My LSC which has this same 'tracking' has only one." One rectifier tube? Not sure what you mean.

I'm getting more confuse with this discussion on the Roadster.
boogiemon said:
i'm certain that i have only one rectifier tube.

the product photo on the boogie web site shows five large-ish tube:
4x6l6 + 1 rectifier.
Egg on my face, sorry.
I am pretty sure it works as I described would not make sense otherwise...both in terms of desired features and the fact that it has 2 rectifier tubes...rectifier tracking simply tracks the wattage and number of rectifier tubes does not switch between silicone diode and tube rectifier mode.

My Roadster ships out today. I decided to get the head instead of the 2x12 combo. I'm young enough to lift the combo now, but who knows what the future holds.

I will look at the actual circuit next week & let you guys know.

Can't wait!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Guys...Im not a roadster owner nor do I have any intention to get one as I am happy with my Triple. It intrigued me to know wether this was true about the Tube Rectifier option on the back of the Roadster's so I started going through the manual that they offer on the website and low and behold it does say that when switching between channels the power preferance selection is sensed and then it ultimatly selects Tube Rectifiers for the 50 watt mode and Solid State for the 100 watt mode. I am disapointed in this but...I wonder what their reasoning was?? Check it out for yourself:

I always did get the Idea from the roadster that it was a little more on the clean side focus than I wanted to be. Thats why I decided to stay with my triple which is just made for balls to the wall. Mesa has always been about versatility and it blows my mind to think that they would spare you this option........
Monsta-Tone said:

My Roadster ships out today. I decided to get the head instead of the 2x12 combo. I'm young enough to lift the combo now, but who knows what the future holds.

I will look at the actual circuit next week & let you guys know.

Can't wait!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

ConGrats Monsta! What cab will you use with it?