Roadster Head with Groove Tubes E34Ls...opinions???

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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San Benito, Texas
Whats up guys, I was wondering if any you Roadster owners have tried E34L tubes in the amp before? What are your thoughts or experiences as compared to 6L6 tubes in both clean and dirty tones?
My experience with my Dual and tubes is this: the cleans with EL-34s are 'browner' and they don't chime and bounce the same. The distortion crunches more with this wicked midrange bark. It is meaner. The 6L6s have a bigger low end and perfectly taylored highs. Just a matter of opinion. Also, keep in mind that every 'brand' to tube sounds different so there are as many differences between brands of EL-34s as there are between an EL-34 and a 6L6. Keep this in mind!
I've tried the JJ EL34Ls and they kinda sound a little darkish. SED Winged "C" EL34 sound great. The Winged "C" 6L6s sound good too. Quality tubes.
I'v actually heard nothing but GOOD things about these Winged C tubes. I'm thinkin about getting a quad of each. Does Tube Depot do any special matching to enhance them if I tell them it's for my Roadster???
The Winged C EL34 is one of the best sounding tubes of any type I have ever heard. Love them.

RoadKinger483 said:
I'v actually heard nothing but GOOD things about these Winged C tubes. I'm thinkin about getting a quad of each. Does Tube Depot do any special matching to enhance them if I tell them it's for my Roadster???

They will send you a properly rated set for your amp, yes.
Getting a quad of each?? Man, thats a mind bender. You're gonna probably like both their characteristics. I'm assuming thats there a road king comes in handy with their mix of 34s & 6L6s. The =C= 34s have such a great midrange and upper end harmonics. The =C= 6L6s give that creamy midrange and harmonics while still retaining the bottom end of the 6L6s.
I'm getting the Winged C's for sure without a doubt but, I was able to score a quad of Groove Tubes E34LS for $70.My stock Mesa 6L6's have been glowing crazy blue so I bought these GT tubes for the time being, until my Winged C's get here. You can ever have to many tubes just in case :wink: We'll see how they sound at my gigs this coming weekend.
well my opinion on the tubes is not what I was expecting. When I had my dual rectifier solo head I loved these tubes in it. I really dont like them in the Roaster. The cleans didnt suffer to much at all. They were still strong and punchy but had a more prominent mid range that was ok for some stuff but mostly just kind of annoying. The drive cchannels is what really dissapointed me. They sounded thin and lacking in bass or punch if you will, compared the the Mesa 6L6's. Chords were muddy and really undefined. I tweaked the amp for about 45 minutes before we got started. I got a tone that I thought was ok for all the channels but when the band started, it just sounded like crap. Im really gassing to get some 6L6's again...even if they're mesa tubes.

What preamps have yo guys experimented with in these amps??? What gives a smoother tone yet punchy and clear???
RoadKinger483 said:
well my opinion on the tubes is not what I was expecting. When I had my dual rectifier solo head I loved these tubes in it. I really dont like them in the Roaster. The cleans didnt suffer to much at all. They were still strong and punchy but had a more prominent mid range that was ok for some stuff but mostly just kind of annoying. The drive cchannels is what really dissapointed me. They sounded thin and lacking in bass or punch if you will, compared the the Mesa 6L6's. Chords were muddy and really undefined. I tweaked the amp for about 45 minutes before we got started. I got a tone that I thought was ok for all the channels but when the band started, it just sounded like crap. Im really gassing to get some 6L6's again...even if they're mesa tubes.

What preamps have yo guys experimented with in these amps??? What gives a smoother tone yet punchy and clear???

Which tubes are you describing? The winged Cs or the GT tubes?
Sorry about that...i was refering to the E34L Groove tubes in my previous post. I went back to my old Mesa 6L6's at lastnights gig and I was back to loving the amp again. I think I may have unknowingly changed my preference since I got this amp. I use to be a die hard EL34 fan in rectifiers. Now I can't get enough of these 6L6's. I'm dying to hear what a fresh set would sound like....let alone retubing the entire amp.
I just got a set of JJ's from Eurotubes. They are the "Personal Fave with KT77's & 6V6's". Check out this link. So far I'm happy...............................
I came across a 12AX7 Mullard in my room today. Its a groove tube also. What are your guys opinions on this for the Roadster??? Have any of you tried it??? I was thinking about trying it out in V1
While at the practice space a few days ago, I was having a challenging time getting enough crunch with Tung-Sol 6L6GC's from the Tube Depot that were warmer than any Mesa output tube. I was running my amp loud too - running the master at 3:00. Ended up putting a distortion pedal in front of the amp, turning the distortion on 0, and getting a descent crunch. I was using channel 3 vintage with diode/spongy in 100 watts with hardwire bypass of effects loop, and the bias was set on EL34 as that yielded better tone than having the bias on 6L6. I know I could tighten things up a bit more using bold instead of spongy, but with the super high voltage in our area (averages 125 volts), I just don't wanna push that much juice through the amp.

The next night I swapped tubes and put in GT EL34L's that were only rated 4. I knew they wouldn't be running nearly as warm as the Tung-Sols, so I was a bit skeptical. Again went to channel 3 vintage with diode/spongy with 100 watts and a hardwire bypass of the effects loop, and had the bias set on EL34. All we did was play Metallica songs, and the tone was to die for! I couldn't believe how much better these colder EL34L's sounded than the warm 6L6GC's! The crunch was very good. I did use a distortion pedal with no distortion, but it was simply icing on the cake - not the cake itself as with the 6L6GC's.