Roadster Head: Recommendations on 6L6's & EL34's

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Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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I did read many of the posts in this forum before asking this question. I am new to tube amps and my Roadster still has the stock Mesa tubes in it. I have gotten a good tone out of them but it is not quite what I am looking for. My biggest problem is I find the general tone I get with the stock tubes (on channels 3 & 4) is really loose on the bottem end. The overall tone also isn't as smooth as I want it to be, it is a bit harsh.

I am wanting to get a new set of both 6L6's & EL34's. From what I have been reading it seems like my best bet is to go with something like a EL34B & a 6L6c. What do you guys think of that? If so what are the brands I should go with?

The next question is where is a reliable place to buy them? I saw this link in another thread good enough?

I know you guys get a lot of these beginner questions and I appreciate the help. :)
Second that on the TAD6l6GCSTR, I popped in my old JJ EL34L's last night and they sounded great!.
Where I live getting tubes other than by mail is limited. I had the stock 6l6's in my roadster for about a year and a half, every gig i found i was tweaking this or that during the gigs. Finally popped some groove tube el34's in, dialed in some settings from the roadster manual with a few tweaks, and thats it, I love the amp and don't tweak at all! I'm sure there are better tubes than the ones I have, but i'm happy with my tone, and thats the main thing :D

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