Roadster head, new speaker mix, new to me anyway

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Feb 22, 2013
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North Carolina
I should have, could have, must have tried the EVM12L with the V30 and the Roadster.... Why oh why did I not try it when I had the cab opened up?

I did that, tried that with the Mark V when it was in its original form (head) but did not like it, Sam I am, I do not like V30's in the box, they sound terrible with my Vox..... only kidding. I took out the EV's in favor of the V30's, what a chore that was as I used all 8 screw holes for each speaker. After installing the V30's (the original speakers that came with the Recto cab I bought 16 years ago) I sealed it back up using the electrical rubber tape (this stuff is great but will have a stronger hold on the cabinet panel than the original sticky stuff used). When I had the EV's in the cab, I sealed them in with RTV silicone rubber, not the best move, so removal of the EV was almost impossible. I forgot how long I had the V30's back in the cab. I still love my new Recto cab and that will remain unchanged. I wanted to change out the speakers again but could not open up the cab. I did finally get it open with a heavy hammer (this is what I had to use to break the original seal). This old cabinet is long overdue for replacement but it still works well, not beat up, and since I have extra parts, why not experiment?

Note about EV and Jensen Blackbird gaskets, they are made of paper. Once you remove them, the paper will rip or tear and stay behind mounted to the baffle. I usually cut the gasket flush with the frame using a box cutter. That rubber electrical tape does a great job closing the gaps between the baffle board and speaker frame.

Yeah, I know, this is not new news to most of you. Mixing EV with V30's in the same cabinet. I just have not taken the opportunity to experiment with the Roadster head as I should have done so when I was removing the EV speakers to replace them with the original V30's. I finally got around to it and replaced the bottom two with the EVM12L black label speakers (I had two that did not have the EV logo on the dust cap, all of the remaining 4 EV speakers I boxed up have the logo). Never too late to rediscover what everyone else has done. Awesome improvement. Just the two ev's on the bottom does make a difference. Having the V30 on the top baffle does not bother me as the Roadster has never been ear piercing with the high frequency. What is even better, driving this mod cab with a full V30 loaded cab. The EV just provides the right amount of bottom end, the other 6 V30's take care of the rest. What would probably work would be a 2x12 cab with EV and a full 4x12 with the V30. I am really pleased with the mix V30/EV.
The right speakers make all the difference in the world. Both of my cabinets have greenbacks and I wouldn't want it any other way.
I am not too familiar with the Greenbacks, which one's in particular are you using? G12M, G12H(55) or the G12H(75)? The G12H75 Creambacks are awesome in the RA100 combo. Was almost considering them mixed with the V30.

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