Roadster external switching help?

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Jan 25, 2009
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I've done a quick search but can't find anyone with this particular issue, so any help would be much appreciated. I’ve recently purchased a Mesa Boogie Roadster Head (second hand), and I’m trying to use my current switching system with it.

Ok here is what I’m trying to do, I’ve hooked up my Tonebone Loopbone footswitch to the external switching channel 2 input on the rear (the loopbone is set to latching and tip, so it operates like a standard latching switch). Having read the manual what I expect to happen is that if I set the Roadster Footcontroller to say Channel 4, when I switch the Loopbone it should go to Channel 2 and when I switch it again it should return to Channel 4, is this a correct assumption?

Here is what happens instead...

1) If I switch from Channel 1 all is well, I set the Roadster Footcontroller to Channel 1, press the switch on the Loopbone Channel 2 comes on, press the switch on the Loopbone again Channel 2 switches off and it returns Channel 1.

2) Now here is the weird bit so I set the Roadster Footcontroller to Channel 3, press the switch on the Loopbone the light indicated Channel 2 is in use but the sound is definitely Channel 4, press the Loopbone off and it returns to Channel 3.

3) And again this time set the Roadster Footcontroller to Channel 4, press the Loopbone switch the light again indicated Channel 2 is on but the sound is still Channel 4 (no change).

Is this usual behaviour? Or is my unit faulty or have I miss understood how it should be used?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks Mark.
markworsnop said:
I've done a quick search but can't find anyone with this particular issue, so any help would be much appreciated. I’ve recently purchased a Mesa Boogie Roadster Head (second hand), and I’m trying to use my current switching system with it.

Ok here is what I’m trying to do, I’ve hooked up my Tonebone Loopbone footswitch to the external switching channel 2 input on the rear (the loopbone is set to latching and tip, so it operates like a standard latching switch). Having read the manual what I expect to happen is that if I set the Roadster Footcontroller to say Channel 4, when I switch the Loopbone it should go to Channel 2 and when I switch it again it should return to Channel 4, is this a correct assumption?

Here is what happens instead...

1) If I switch from Channel 1 all is well, I set the Roadster Footcontroller to Channel 1, press the switch on the Loopbone Channel 2 comes on, press the switch on the Loopbone again Channel 2 switches off and it returns Channel 1.

2) Now here is the weird bit so I set the Roadster Footcontroller to Channel 3, press the switch on the Loopbone the light indicated Channel 2 is in use but the sound is definitely Channel 4, press the Loopbone off and it returns to Channel 3.

3) And again this time set the Roadster Footcontroller to Channel 4, press the Loopbone switch the light again indicated Channel 2 is on but the sound is still Channel 4 (no change).

Is this usual behaviour? Or is my unit faulty or have I miss understood how it should be used?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks Mark.

Those switchers aren't suppose to be used like that... they are designed to be used with midi switchers like the RJM Amp Gizmo/RG16. I would actuality unhook the loopbone from those jacks as you could actually damage the relays as they are designed for tip to ground latching switches.
Thanks for the reply, I only tried it for a couple of minutes so hopefully no damage done. I don't understand tho, what is the difference between a tip to ground latching switch and a standard latching switch?

I'd like to learn more, so any further info would be much appreciated, thanks Mark.
markworsnop said:
Thanks for the reply, I only tried it for a couple of minutes so hopefully no damage done. I don't understand tho, what is the difference between a tip to ground latching switch and a standard latching switch?

I'd like to learn more, so any further info would be much appreciated, thanks Mark.

Its a different kind of plug. The switching jacks in the back of the amps are designed around tip to ground. I dont think hooking up the wrong kind does much damage (if any), it just wont work the way you expect it to. If you want to use the jacks for your switching your going to need a midi switcher with atleast 4 loops (one for each channel). i highly recommend the RJM products... they work great and you can switch all channels and functions and they make a special cable that utilizes your footswitch jack instead of the switching jacks.
If your using the external switching of your roadster you don't use the roadster footswitch!!
Unhook it and put it away. You hook the external switching jacks into either individual footswitches or preferably a midi switcher and midi footcontroller. I recomend the voodoo lab gcx audio switcher and any midi foot pedal will work . I have the rocktron all access.

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