Roadster-Driving Rock Tune for Charity Gulf Cleanup!

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share a tune as well as give background on the cause/charity it is going with. First, the gear. The Roadster performed and recorded amazingly well here! It's a head and 2 x 12 Recto cab loaded with G12K-100 speakers. I used Channel 3 in Raw mode and was going for the classic Marshall midrange/rock tone with my Les Paul custom. Leads were done on Channel 4 in Modern mode using a Charvel. Now, the cause...

As many of us have been saddened/angered over the situation in the gulf, our band Luxx was inspired to write a song about the event, which we then thought could be offered as a charity downloadable tune where ALL 100% of net proceeds would go toward cleanup efforts.

We've selected the funds will be divided between the Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation, who are both working tirelessly to take care of the impacted wildlife.

Our first single "Black Water" is here! For .99, you'll be helping make a difference as well as getting a great new tune. Visit to purchase and download.

David Szabados

Perhaps this topic could be stickied as it's an ongoing campaign as the clean-up efforts will be ongoing for years to come unfortunately.
For those that want to just listen to the tune (and hear the guitar tone of the Roadster on Ch. 3 doing a very classic rock driven tone), you can also just listen to it from ReverbNation as well. I hope there will be interest in purchasing/downloading the song (again, all net 100% of proceeds will help with the cleanup), but it's not necessary.

Would love to hear comments!