Roadster cleans and preamp tubes question

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2007
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Hi guys !

I'm really digging my new Roadster on all levels but since changing the tubes in my Single Rectifier made a night and day difference (for example, the amp became soooooo much tighter), I'm wondering if I could get a even better clean with some tube swap.

Since my amp is new and that changing tubes for non-Mesa void the 5 years warranty, I'm a little shy to change every tubes but would be ready to try maybe one or two.

I have a Tung-Sol reissue 12AX7 and was wondering if putting it in V1 only would help getting a better clean and even better rhythm channel.

Since the V2 tube is one that mostly affect the clean, should I rather put it there?

I also have those:
Mullard 12AX7 reissue
Penta Labs 12AX7
Shuguang 12AX7C9 - Ruby AC5 select
Sovtek 12AX7LPS

I know I must try to find out but I must everytime remove the poweramp tubes... I'm so bad at pulling tubes that I would like having to do it as few times as I can.

Putting a Tung Sol in V1 really awakened my Roadster. It brightened the amp a little bit and added a bit more crunch and tightness to the rhythm channels. It's worth trying out.
Sweet ! Thanks, I'm gonna try that pretty soon! And when you say "the rest", do you mean even the power and rectifier tubes?
nismofreakish said:
Sweet ! Thanks, I'm gonna try that pretty soon! And when you say "the rest", do you mean even the power and rectifier tubes?

I bought my Roadster used and the guy had stock EL34's in them. They were alright, but I found them a bit harsh, so I put in some JJ KT77's that were in my old Single Recto. JJ makes some great tubes, it's just the preamp tubes I don't like. i'm thinking of trying some Ruby EL34's next.

I left the rectifier tubes stock, I use diodes anyway. I may try something else eventually, but my tone is good where it's at :)

I tried putting a Tung Sol 12AX7 in the V1 slot yesterday and really disliked it, the amp became thin, dropped a bit in volume, lost guts...
I'm putting back the stock Mesa tube at my next rehearsal.

My main goal was anyway to get the clean to sound better a bit, so maybe I should try something in the V2 slot only?

What do you guys think (considering the tubes listed in my first post)?
That's weird...I love my Tung Sol. But I'm using some other gear that really impacts my tone nicely, so maybe I just don't hear what you're hearing :D

I guess you could try each one in V2, afterall, your ears are the judge.

I heard good things about the Penta's, so try that one next.
That's weird...I love my Tung Sol. But I'm using some other gear that really impacts my tone nicely, so maybe I just don't hear what you're hearing :D

I guess you could try each one in V2, afterall, your ears are the judge.

I heard good things about the Penta's, so try that one next.
I love my tung sol in v1. Either your tung sol is crap, or you like or used to the sound of the Mesa/jj tube. In all the tube amps I've had, a tung sol in v1 always sounded pretty good.
I know!

In my Single Recto I really liked it! I mean, I changed ALL the tubes in the amp and the Tung Sol was in V1, but in this amp... really not. Maybe indeed that the Tung Sol is crap... but what are the odds?

For now I thing I'll try some other powertubes.

But hey, a friend told me that if one of the power tubes dies, I must change the four of them... is it true?! I thought just changing the paired one would do the job...
You just need to replace the matched pair. For your clean tones you might just consider slapping an eq pedal in your effects loop. something to consider anyway
Fellas....for Recto 12AX7s, reissue Tung-Sols, Sovtek LPS, EH, and EH Goldpins is where its at. You could switch them all around in different positions and still get amazing results. They all work extremely well in the doubt.
Another change worth trying is a 12AT7 in V6 on the roadster. This is the only tube change I've made, and it really tightened up everything.
kick6 said:
Another change worth trying is a 12AT7 in V6 on the roadster. This is the only tube change I've made, and it really tightened up everything.


The best thing I ever did was put a Mullard CV4024 (12AT7) in the PI ( V6 ) and Reverb ( V4 ) slots. It really gives the amp more clarity and detail.

It's takes awhile to adjust to it, but stick with it, it really opens up the Roadster for the better IMO. Biggest improvement for me was in my lead tone, it's a much smoother response, and the amp feels "thicker" on single note runs.

I was already happy with my clean tones, and overall I think they are a bit warmer now with the CV4024.

Dom, did you chanege both V4 and V6 with Mullard?
What about JAN-Philips 12AT7 in those positions?
Dom thank you.
Problem solved!


Oh, does the Reverb V4 influence the sound or it just takes care of the reverb?