Roadster Channel Volume Discrepency

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May 5, 2008
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I've been playing my new Roadster 2x12 combo for a week. It is my third Mesa and also my favorite. However, I do have some concerns and am hoping someone can shed light.

First, there is a huge difference in volume between channels 1-2, and 3-4. For instance, if both channels 1 and 3 are set at 100 watts, tube rectification, Spongy, and similar eq, I have to put the channel 3 volume at 2 o'clock to match that of channel 1 volume which is at 9 o'clock.

Second, I just sold my 50 Watt Stiletto which I owned for a year. I am surprised that my Stiletto ( 50 watt) was much, much louder than my Roadster (channels 3-4 at 100 watts). I had to use a hotplate to play my stiletto. There must be some confusion.

Third, I am familiar with the Spongy v. Bold voltage option. On my previous two Mesa's (Lonestar and Stiletto), you can hear a difference when switching back and forth between the two. But never like this. When I place my roadster on Bold, it plays at a volume I would expect of a 100 watt amp. However, when I switch to Spongy, there is a slight difference, but then you can hear a steady slow drop to a volume that is significantly lower. This is unlike anything I've encountered.
It should be noted I play with my pedal board through the loop on all channels. I have the send knob on 2 o'clock, and the output knob at 12 to 1 o'clock. Please share your thoughts.
Something is wrong then. I play in a metal band and channels 3 and 4 on mine are absurdly loud. Last night was the first time I've used my Roadster at a practice and I had to keep going over an turning down.
Pinetop-Fretzilla said:
I've been playing my new Roadster 2x12 combo for a week. It is my third Mesa and also my favorite. However, I do have some concerns and am hoping someone can shed light.

First, there is a huge difference in volume between channels 1-2, and 3-4. For instance, if both channels 1 and 3 are set at 100 watts, tube rectification, Spongy, and similar eq, I have to put the channel 3 volume at 2 o'clock to match that of channel 1 volume which is at 9 o'clock.

Second, I just sold my 50 Watt Stiletto which I owned for a year. I am surprised that my Stiletto ( 50 watt) was much, much louder than my Roadster (channels 3-4 at 100 watts). I had to use a hotplate to play my stiletto. There must be some confusion.

Third, I am familiar with the Spongy v. Bold voltage option. On my previous two Mesa's (Lonestar and Stiletto), you can hear a difference when switching back and forth between the two. But never like this. When I place my roadster on Bold, it plays at a volume I would expect of a 100 watt amp. However, when I switch to Spongy, there is a slight difference, but then you can hear a steady slow drop to a volume that is significantly lower. This is unlike anything I've encountered.
It should be noted I play with my pedal board through the loop on all channels. I have the send knob on 2 o'clock, and the output knob at 12 to 1 o'clock. Please share your thoughts.

ok first off channels 1 and 2 are going to be less loud compared to 3 and 4 due to the additional gain stacking in 3 and 4...... bold and spongy react different on the roadster then some of mesa's other amps..... when you're in spongy due to the decreased voltage cvhannels 3 and 4 are tamed a bit and will sound in many instances quiter than 1 and 2 using the same settings as you use on bold... its weird but actually quite useful for late night playing for me.... and as far as the 50 watt stiletto being louder i think that has to do with what your using to control the volume... are you using the channels master our the amps output? using the amps output you will hear the true 100 watts and it gets way loud..... although i have found that you can get channels 1 and 2 to clip at relatively low levels as compared with where the stiletto clips.... also the stiletto is brighter than the roadster which will add some presence making it seem louder.... another thing to consider is whether it was the same cab and if not what were the differences
jdurso said:
Pinetop-Fretzilla said:
I've been playing my new Roadster 2x12 combo for a week. It is my third Mesa and also my favorite. However, I do have some concerns and am hoping someone can shed light.

First, there is a huge difference in volume between channels 1-2, and 3-4. For instance, if both channels 1 and 3 are set at 100 watts, tube rectification, Spongy, and similar eq, I have to put the channel 3 volume at 2 o'clock to match that of channel 1 volume which is at 9 o'clock.

Second, I just sold my 50 Watt Stiletto which I owned for a year. I am surprised that my Stiletto ( 50 watt) was much, much louder than my Roadster (channels 3-4 at 100 watts). I had to use a hotplate to play my stiletto. There must be some confusion.

Third, I am familiar with the Spongy v. Bold voltage option. On my previous two Mesa's (Lonestar and Stiletto), you can hear a difference when switching back and forth between the two. But never like this. When I place my roadster on Bold, it plays at a volume I would expect of a 100 watt amp. However, when I switch to Spongy, there is a slight difference, but then you can hear a steady slow drop to a volume that is significantly lower. This is unlike anything I've encountered.
It should be noted I play with my pedal board through the loop on all channels. I have the send knob on 2 o'clock, and the output knob at 12 to 1 o'clock. Please share your thoughts.

ok first off channels 1 and 2 are going to be less loud compared to 3 and 4 due to the additional gain stacking in 3 and 4...... bold and spongy react different on the roadster then some of mesa's other amps..... when you're in spongy due to the decreased voltage cvhannels 3 and 4 are tamed a bit and will sound in many instances quiter than 1 and 2 using the same settings as you use on bold... its weird but actually quite useful for late night playing for me.... and as far as the 50 watt stiletto being louder i think that has to do with what your using to control the volume... are you using the channels master our the amps output? using the amps output you will hear the true 100 watts and it gets way loud..... although i have found that you can get channels 1 and 2 to clip at relatively low levels as compared with where the stiletto clips.... also the stiletto is brighter than the roadster which will add some presence making it seem louder.... another thing to consider is whether it was the same cab and if not what were the differences

Thanks for your response. However, my channels 3 and 4 are significantly less loud than 1 and 2, despite the additional gain stage. As far as my Stiletto (50 watt) went, I had the Output on 12 o'clock using the channel volume, same as roadster. Much, much louder than the Roadster on similar settings. Both cabs are closed back 2x12's. Later
I appreciate you two responding to me. I talked to Mesa today and the dude at the factory believes it is tube failure. So, I'll be receiving some in the mail. Very nice folks.
Pinetop-Fretzilla said:
jdurso said:
Pinetop-Fretzilla said:
I've been playing my new Roadster 2x12 combo for a week. It is my third Mesa and also my favorite. However, I do have some concerns and am hoping someone can shed light.

First, there is a huge difference in volume between channels 1-2, and 3-4. For instance, if both channels 1 and 3 are set at 100 watts, tube rectification, Spongy, and similar eq, I have to put the channel 3 volume at 2 o'clock to match that of channel 1 volume which is at 9 o'clock.

Second, I just sold my 50 Watt Stiletto which I owned for a year. I am surprised that my Stiletto ( 50 watt) was much, much louder than my Roadster (channels 3-4 at 100 watts). I had to use a hotplate to play my stiletto. There must be some confusion.

Third, I am familiar with the Spongy v. Bold voltage option. On my previous two Mesa's (Lonestar and Stiletto), you can hear a difference when switching back and forth between the two. But never like this. When I place my roadster on Bold, it plays at a volume I would expect of a 100 watt amp. However, when I switch to Spongy, there is a slight difference, but then you can hear a steady slow drop to a volume that is significantly lower. This is unlike anything I've encountered.
It should be noted I play with my pedal board through the loop on all channels. I have the send knob on 2 o'clock, and the output knob at 12 to 1 o'clock. Please share your thoughts.

ok first off channels 1 and 2 are going to be less loud compared to 3 and 4 due to the additional gain stacking in 3 and 4...... bold and spongy react different on the roadster then some of mesa's other amps..... when you're in spongy due to the decreased voltage cvhannels 3 and 4 are tamed a bit and will sound in many instances quiter than 1 and 2 using the same settings as you use on bold... its weird but actually quite useful for late night playing for me.... and as far as the 50 watt stiletto being louder i think that has to do with what your using to control the volume... are you using the channels master our the amps output? using the amps output you will hear the true 100 watts and it gets way loud..... although i have found that you can get channels 1 and 2 to clip at relatively low levels as compared with where the stiletto clips.... also the stiletto is brighter than the roadster which will add some presence making it seem louder.... another thing to consider is whether it was the same cab and if not what were the differences

Thanks for your response. However, my channels 3 and 4 are significantly less loud than 1 and 2, despite the additional gain stage. As far as my Stiletto (50 watt) went, I had the Output on 12 o'clock using the channel volume, same as roadster. Much, much louder than the Roadster on similar settings. Both cabs are closed back 2x12's. Later

were you using spongy or bold? on bold 3 and 4 should be louder than 1 and 2.... if spongy on my roadster 1 and 2 are actually louder to the point if im playing on spongy i have to adjust the masters on channels 3 and 4

as for the comparison to the stiletto your probably right as ive never had the two amps next to each other.... maybe that confirms the the rumor floating around here that the regualr DRs are louder than the Roadsters
maybe that confirms the the rumor floating around here that the regualr DRs are louder than the Roadsters

I have to disagree. I was playing a roadster 2x12 combo atop a roadster 2x12 tonight

(some of you guys know i work at a dealer and i don't try to rub that in ya'lls faces but tonight after about 7:30 we were -dead- and since I sold $5k today I felt...entitled.)

Ch4, 100w, diode, full power. Vintage mode. Had a nice LP standard. I had the channel master and output to about 3:00. It really shook the world. I was honestly surprised because I think it "hit" harder than the Triple rec or the RK. Maybe the amp running at 4 ohms had something to do with this. But it was loud as god and it was mighty and it brought a big smile to my face, and a slight ringing to my ears. (can you say :twisted: )

As far as the OP goes I thought bad tube first off so hopefully you'll get everything sorted out when you get the replacements.
phyrexia said:
maybe that confirms the the rumor floating around here that the regualr DRs are louder than the Roadsters

I have to disagree. I was playing a roadster 2x12 combo atop a roadster 2x12 tonight

(some of you guys know i work at a dealer and i don't try to rub that in ya'lls faces but tonight after about 7:30 we were -dead- and since I sold $5k today I felt...entitled.)

Ch4, 100w, diode, full power. Vintage mode. Had a nice LP standard. I had the channel master and output to about 3:00. It really shook the world. I was honestly surprised because I think it "hit" harder than the Triple rec or the RK. Maybe the amp running at 4 ohms had something to do with this. But it was loud as god and it was mighty and it brought a big smile to my face, and a slight ringing to my ears. (can you say :twisted: )

As far as the OP goes I thought bad tube first off so hopefully you'll get everything sorted out when you get the replacements.

do you have access to both a roadster and regular DR there? it'd be interesting to a/b them using the same or very similar settings ... i mena i'm with you on the roadster being just as loud, because at the end of the day its a 100W amp so other than having different cabs, guitars, or cables they should be relatively the same loudness.... BTW how money does the roadster sound through a roadster 2x12? ive done a lot of cab shopping/swapping in the last 6 months to find the right cab for the roadster.... i feel stupid not looking to the roadster 2x12 cab first.... honestly when i first opened the box and saw how small it was compared to my basson i was questioning my purchase but man its a match made in tube amp heaven
If I end up having to suck it up and buy a medium Mark IV instead of a short IV, I'll buy a Roadster cab to go with it.

I had a Recto 2x12 and honestly it was flubby and woofy. Probably had something to do with the amp I was using, but Roadster is just wonderfully tight in comparison.

The Roadster 2x12 atop a roadster 212 is probably my favorite incarnation of the Rectifier amp. It work with virtually every kind of guitar you could throw it at. '51 Nocaster sounds just as good through that setup as a '58 VOS Les Paul, and the Petrucci sounded amazing through it and really you can take a fucking $169 jackson and it still sounds great.

We don't have a DR right now. I would love to do some RKII/Roadster comparisons if you'd like. :D